April 17, 2023


Read – Numbers 11

What does it say?
The Israelites complained about food, and Moses complained about the people. As a result, God sent quail and judgment into the camp.

What does it mean?
Two complaints received two very different responses from God. He took extreme measures to deal with the constant complaining of the people. They completely lost perspective of the Lord’s deliverance by wishing to be slaves again, just to eat what their bodies craved. At the same time, Moses had reached an emotional breaking point from carrying the responsibility of the nation on his shoulders. But rather than reprimand Moses, the Lord saw his heart and immediately offered a solution while reminding him that it was God carrying the people. Any work for God must be done in His strength.

How should I respond?
Followers of Christ are not immune to pressure, stress, or disappointment. Thequestion is – what goes on in your heart when you’re overcome with negativeemotions? Do you suddenly crave things that were part of your old life, or do you take your feelings to the Lord? It’s not wrong to express frustration to God; He already knows what’s going on in your head and your heart. The pressure is greatest when we attempt to face life in our own strength rather than rely on His strength. Where have you reached your breaking point? Check your heart, be honest with God, and look to Him for wisdom and guidance.