April 25, 2022


Read – John 14

What does it say?
Jesus promised to come again, send the Holy Spirit, and give His disciples peace.

What does it mean?
Chapters 13-17 contain the conversation Jesus had with the disciples before being arrested and crucified. He was leaving; life was about to change. Jesus knew He needed to prepare them for His departure. His beloved disciples were going to find themselves in dangerous and heartbreaking circumstances in the near future. They could either live in fear or choose to enjoy His peace. The promise of the Holy Spirit ensured they wouldn’t be alone. He would comfort, guide, help, and teach them.

How should I respond?
In what area of your life do you need the peace of Jesus? Having a troubled heart comes from dwelling on feelings of fear in uncertain situations. The peace that Jesus gives doesn’t depend on circumstances. The gift of peace comes through the Holy Spirit, who makes His home inside anyone who places trust in Jesus. God’s Spirit causes the Bible to come alive with meaning and reminds you of what Jesus taught. Will you refuse to be troubled or anxious today by relying on the Holy Spirit?