August 24, 2019


Read – Ephesians 1

What does it say?
Paul told the Ephesian Christians of God’s past, present, and future blessings accomplished through the loving power of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

What does it mean?
It is astounding to think of how much God has loved and provided for His children throughout history. Before He created the world, the sovereign God purposed to provide redemption through the death of His Son and adoption into His family for those who believe. He paid the adoption fees, so to speak, so believers could have an eternal family and home. His followers are blessed, both now and in the future, by God’s power – first given to Jesus upon His successful mission and then shared with Christians throughout all eternity. Never has a family’s inheritance been so extensive.

How should I respond?
If you are a follower of Christ, then you are adopted into His family. God has become your heavenly Father. What are the quality traits of a good father? Think about that for a few minutes, and write down some of them. Now use this list as an outline to talk to God about those particular things today. As you continue to talk to Him about these things each day, you’ll begin to understand them more deeply on a spiritual level. This, in turn, will help you to hold your heavenly Daddy’s hand as you walk through your life together with Him. What aspect of God as your Father do you need most today? Tell Him.