August 27, 2018


Read – Ezekiel 5

What does it say?
Ezekiel shaved his head and beard. He burned one part with fire, struck another with a sword, and scattered the remaining third to the wind, but a few hairs were tucked away.

What does it mean?
The shaving of Ezekiel’s head and beard was the fourth sign of God’s coming judgment. God had placed Israel in a specific position for a special task. They were the nation through which God would reveal Himself to the world. Their covenant with the one true God set them apart, but Israel and Judah both rejected God’s purpose to the point that they were worse than the surrounding pagan nations. The divisions of Ezekiel’s hair provided a vivid illustration of Jerusalem’s fate. God’s mercy, however, would preserve a remnant of the nation, symbolized by the few hairs tucked into Ezekiel’s robe.

How should I respond?
Believers in Christ are set apart from the world. This doesn’t mean we avoid interacting with those who are not followers of Christ. Unbelievers should be drawn to Christ by seeing a difference in the way we live. So how does that actually happen? When you surrender moment by moment to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you allow Christ to live through you. If you refuse His instruction, God may discipline you as a means to guide you back into His plan. Is there a specific area in your life that doesn’t honor the Lord? Ask God to help you live today set apart for His purpose.