August 28, 2018


Read – Ezekiel 6

What does it say?
Ezekiel prophesied against the mountains of Israel because her inhabitants worshipped idols, but a remnant of the people would be spared and scattered among other nations.

What does it mean?
Israel had been instructed to worship Jehovah God at the temple in Jerusalem and to destroy the shrines honoring the Canaanites’ false gods. Throughout the generations, Israel wavered between worshipping the Lord and trusting idols. By the time Ezekiel came on the scene, God’s people refused to get rid of their idols and return to Him. But their false gods would be unable to save them from the coming judgment. In fact, many would be killed in front of the very idols they trusted for their safety. However, God mercifully promised to preserve a remnant who would remember that He alone is the Lord.

How should I respond?
We too sometimes waver between devotion to the Lord and the false beliefs of the world. For instance, looking for security from your family, profession, or possessions – even temporarily – can have lasting, negative consequences for generations to come. These things, in and of themselves, are not wrong; but when we try to find joy, peace, and protection from them, we are guilty of the same sin as Israel – entrusting our lives to something other than the one true God. What is taking Christ’s rightful place in your life? Ask God to help you trust Him, and then determine to put Him back in first place.