December 13, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 21:4-20

What does it say?
Jehoram became Judah’s king, murdered his brothers, and did not obey the Lord. Elijah told Jehoram he would lose everything. He died a painful death, to no one’s regret.

What does it mean?
Jehoram desired to be king no matter the cost. His lust for power caused him to lose sight of what was most important … people. His willingness to murder his family shows just how dark and hard Jehoram’s heart had become. He seemed to get away with his sin, even after God warned him and gave him time to repent. Yet God never goes back on His word. Jehoram lost not only his family and the respect of his people but also the only things he seemed to care about: his throne and his power. In the end, he died in disgrace. No one mourned for him. No one missed him.

How should I respond?
If you had only a minute to evacuate your home, school, or business, what would you take with you? Most of us would focus on getting our family and friends to safety. From time to time, however, we all take for granted the people God has placed in our lives. Tunnel vision regarding personal goals or material desires causes us to forget that only relationships can be taken to Heaven with us. This week, how have you treated those who matter most in your life? Have your words and actions demonstrated how valuable they are to you? Today would be a good time to remind them.