December 17, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 24:17-27

What does it say?
King Joash abandoned God, and his life ended at the hands of his own officials

What does it mean?
King Joash’s devotion to God quickly vanished after the death of Jehoiada, the High Priest. In the absence of his mentor, Joash was easily swayed by the influence of the wrong people. He “listened to them” and stopped listening to God. Rather than standing strong in his faith, he chose to disobey the Lord and worship other gods. As a result, the peace Joash had grown accustomed to ended. God mercifully reached out to Joash, warning him of the consequences of his sinful actions. But Joash ignored God’s words.

How should I respond?
Healthy relationships are marked by a desire to please one another. The same is true of your relationship with Christ. Beware of any influence that encourages thoughts and actions that displease the Lord. God will do whatever it takes to draw you back, but He will not force you to obey. To what wrong influences are you listening? What sin have you allowed to create a barrier between you and God? Remember, the depth of your faith is measured by your level of obedience.