December 22, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 29

What does it say?
Hezekiah consecrated the temple and reestablished its service when he became king.

What does it mean?
Hezekiah chose to serve the Lord even though Ahaz his father had never offered a godly example. The young king recognized the correlation between Israel’s past unfaithfulness and its present captivity. Hezekiah’s first priority as king was to restore Israel’s house of worship and reestablish sacrifices and offerings in the temple. But no one could approach the Lord until the priests removed the impure items and consecrated the articles Ahaz had removed from the temple for use in the worship of false gods. Hezekiah led the people in the longest period of obedience in the Old Testament.

How should I respond?
Our families play a huge part in the people we become. However, the ultimate responsibility for choosing whether or not to follow Christ rests on each one of us. The Lord will never force you to be faithful or obedient to Him. What is hindering you from following and worshiping God? Have you accepted Christ’s sacrifice for you? If so, your body is the temple of the Lord. What areas of your temple have fallen into disrepair? What needs to be cleaned out and replaced with things that honor and please Christ? Not only will your personal choice to follow Christ be a benefit to you, it can also have a huge influence on others. What example will you set? The choice is yours.