December 25, 2018


Read – Read Zechariah 14

What does it say?
The Lord will defeat the nations and secure Jerusalem when He comes. The world will worship Him as the One and only Lord and King.

What does it mean?
The last chapter of Zechariah details the events of Christ’s return to Earth and the establishment of His earthly kingdom. At the end of the Tribulation period, Jesus will appear on the same mountain where He was betrayed and from which He ascended, creating a valley for God’s people to escape the nations gathered against them. Christ’s supernatural victory and power over the laws of nature will make it a day like no other. World religions will be abolished in recognition that Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and the King of kings (Rev. 17:14; 19:16). The Messianic kingdom will be the perfection of what the Lord has always required of His people – to recognize His name above every name, worship Him alone, and live holy lives.

How should I respond?
Christians long for the day when the entire world will worship Jesus as Lord and King. That day will be the completion of what God began in the Garden of Eden – perfect communion with His creation. Growing in spiritual maturity means striving daily to live as His people will live then. In an age of religious tolerance, do you acknowledge the name of Jesus as the only way of salvation (John 14:6)? Since He alone is worthy of our worship, determine today to remove any thought that leads to unholy living.