January 17, 2021


Read – Nehemiah 13

What does it say?
Nehemiah addressed several areas of disobedience that had arisen among the Israelites in his absence.

What does it mean?
Upon his return to Jerusalem, Nehemiah was dismayed to find Israel’s devotion to God weakened. He immediately began to address each issue and reminded the people of their sacred promises. Nehemiah acted in obedience to God, regardless of who opposed him. He chose the unpopular path, rebuking his own countrymen, so that God’s law would be honored. He also seemed to understand that later generations would suffer if he chose to do nothing. Throughout the process, Nehemiah humbly asked God to remember his faithfulness and to have compassion on him.

How should I respond?
Many in today’s culture place far more importance on what others think of them rather than whether or not God is pleased with their lives. The approval you seek will determine the kind of influence you have. What kind of legacy are you leaving for those who follow behind you? Standing up for the truths of Scripture may not be popular in your home, workplace, or school; but the Lord honors those who honor Him. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need His correction so that you will leave behind a legacy of faithfulness and obedience.