January 20, 2019


Read – Matthew 14

What does it say?
Hearing John the Baptist was dead, Jesus showed compassion, healed many, and fed 5,000. He walked on the stormy lake to His disciples, and Peter walked with Him.

What does it mean?
As Jesus showed sympathy and affection for the people around Him, the disciples grew in their comprehension of His identity as God’s Son. That knowledge allowed them to do the impossible as they served Jesus. When they faced difficulties and dangers, He helped them at just the right time. Although Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000, His disciples distributed the food and collected the leftovers. Only Peter, though, had the desire and courage to ask to walk on water to Jesus. He momentarily let fear distract him, but he refocused by calling on Jesus and was rescued.

How should I respond?
What in your life cannot be explained except for Jesus? It’s an adventure and a privilege to trust Him outside your comfort zone and natural abilities. At your darkest hour, Jesus comes and invites you to walk with Him above your circumstances, doing what seems impossible. If you falter, focus on Jesus and pray. He will sustain you until the storm ends. Ask God for growing comprehension of Jesus’ power. He is greater than the trouble you are in and the danger you face. What does God want you to do that seems beyond your capabilities? Fix your gaze on Jesus and join Him in doing the impossible.