January 6, 2019


Read – Matthew 4

What does it say?
The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert where Satan tempted Him. Jesus began to preach, call followers, and heal all kinds of sickness.

What does it mean?
Satan came to Jesus while He was alone with suggestions that, as the Son of God, He could satisfy His physical needs, gain popularity, and obtain world power without suffering. Jesus overcame the temptation because He knew how to apply God’s Word in each situation. The victory completed His preparation for ministry. His preaching and healing ministry included works expected of the Messiah, validating Him as the Savior and causing some to leave their businesses and families to become His disciples. Jesus set the example that faithfulness in private prepares the way for fruitfulness in public.

How should I respond?
Everyone has a public image for all to see as well as a private spiritual life that only God knows. Your commitment to godly thoughts and behavior in private will likely determine the influence of your life on others. Daily private victories come through saturating your mind with God’s Word, prayer, and submitting to His will. What tempts you to take matters into your own hands? Don’t panic. Find what God has directed you to do in the Bible and trust Him. When you emerge from the struggle successfully, God will be glorified, and you will have a greater impact on others.