July 17, 2020


Read – Ruth 4

What does it say?
Boaz met with the other kinsman-redeemer who declined to redeem the land.

What does it mean?
The events in the lives of Boaz and Ruth reassure believers that God is at work to fulfill His purposes – even in the spiritual darkness of the times. God works in the lives of those who are willing to trust Him. Boaz didn’t depend on man’s opinions or on his own ideas of how to handle the situation – he looked to what God had revealed in His Word. Without hesitation, Boaz acted in accordance with God’s instructions and settled the legal matter quickly. From Boaz, the Jewish kinsman-redeemer, and his Gentile bride would come the Lord Jesus Christ – the Kinsman-Redeemer of every believer.

How should I respond?
The book of Ruth is often referred to as the fascinating love story of Ruth and Boaz. Even Hollywood has made movies based loosely on the biblical account. However, the movies completely miss the true love story that goes much deeper than the couple could ever imagine. Behind the scenes is the providential movement forward of God’s plan – His love story – to provide a Savior for mankind. Are you included in that love story? Have you received the only One who can redeem you from your sin and provide you with an eternal home in Heaven with Him? If so, how can your life become a part of His love story to those in your life who need to be redeemed?