July 5, 2018


Read – Jeremiah 5

What does it say?
God challenged Jeremiah to find just one person who was just and sought the truth, yet he found no one. God announced that His just judgment was on its way.

What does it mean?
Not one person in Judah had chosen to heed Jeremiah’s warnings of judgment. God’s instructions regarding how to live were designed to protect His people and teach them to deal fairly with one another. They not only overstepped those boundaries but actually embraced wicked people and harmful behavior. In His divine justice, God would send the Babylonians as judgment on Judah’s choice to abandon Him. Still, the Lord graciously and faithfully purposed not to completely destroy them. Their relationship with God could be rebuilt.

How should I respond?
Like a parent who must sometimes discipline the child he loves, God serves both as our Father and our Judge. He is not unduly harsh, but He is just. The Lord lovingly sets up boundaries for our protection. We should expect His discipline when we step past those boundaries. His mercy and justice are perfectly balanced. He never fails to forgive and restore us when we confess our wrongdoing. Which of God’s boundaries might you have overstepped this week? What ramifications followed? Today, humbly ask God for mercy. He is always willing to give you a fresh start.