June 28, 2022


Read – Romans 11

What does it say?
God graciously preserved a remnant in Israel for future restoration while grafting Gentiles into His vine.

What does it mean?
Chapters 9-11 detail Israel’s rebellion against God and rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. Chapter 10 ended by reiterating that God continues to reach out to Israel, even though they had been “a disobedient and contrary people.” God, in His mercy, will fulfill His promise to Israel as a nation and “all Israel will be saved.” This doesn’t mean that all Jews throughout history will have a second chance but that the Jewish nation will largely turn to Christ upon His return. Salvation, whether to the Jew or Gentile, is always a result of God’s goodness, mercy, and grace.

How should I respond?
Strong character can seldom be detected when everything is going according to plan. When people act contrary to your agenda, your character is put to the test. Who has disappointed you recently? Have you been betrayed or rejected as God was in today’s passage? Our sinful human nature often causes us to lash out and withdraw from the relationship. God has not only given you a different example, He’s given you the Holy Spirit who can divinely respond through you in those moments. What character traits of God do you see in Romans 11? Which one(s) will you seek to display in your life today?