June 7, 2023


Read – Joshua 1

What does it say?
After the death of Moses, the Lord told Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. He commanded Joshua to be courageous and fully obey His law.

What does it mean?
The leadership of Israel was transferred from Moses to Joshua. God reminded Joshua that the secret to victory was to be rooted in His Word and promises. The message was clear: “Be strong and very courageous” because of God’s unchanging character and continual presence. Then, God would give the land to the Israelites. Their years of wandering were over. Joshua reminded the tribes that they would soon take possession of the land. The Israelites received Joshua’s message with enthusiasm and repeated the Lord’s words to their new leader: “Be strong and very courageous!”

How should I respond?
God knows the battles we will face – spiritual battles involving fear, uncertainty, and discouragement. Just as Joshua needed the repeated admonition, so we also need reminders to move forward with strength and courage. In what area of your life are you asking God for victory? The first step is to be rooted in His Word and believe His promises. Jesus promised that He would always be with those who follow Him (Matthew 28:20). How does that truth give you strength and courage for the “battles” you’re currently facing? God’s character has not changed; you can count on His continual presence, and you can be assured that He fulfills His promises.