March 10, 2022


Read – Luke 6

What does it say?
Jesus declared Himself to be Lord of the Sabbath. After an entire night of prayer, Jesus chose His 12 apostles and then preached the Sermon on the Mount.

What does it mean?
Jesus taught His disciples that demonstrating godly attitudes and characteristics would distinguish them as children of the Most High God. He was calling them to have a heart like His. That kind of heart shows unconditional love and blessing toward others, including enemies. His followers should be merciful, gracious, generous, and forgiving, not judging or condemning. A life built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ will not only demonstrate His character but will remain unshaken and have eternal value.

How should I respond?
Demonstrating godly attitudes toward others does not come naturally. The character traits of Christ have to be manifested in your heart by the Holy Spirit; you can’t simply imitate Jesus on a consistent basis. What attitudes or prejudices may be hindering you from having Christ-like character? As you pray, ask the Lord to rid your heart of every hindrance and to empower you with His Spirit so you will be able to respond to others and glorify the heavenly Father as Jesus did. A life built on anything else will have no eternal value.