May 12, 2018


Read – Isaiah 1

What does it say?
Through the prophet Isaiah, God confronted Israel’s rebellion and called for their repentance. Isaiah announced purifying judgment and future restoration.

What does it mean?
Through the prophet Isaiah, God invited Israel to settle the matter of their spiritual indifference. They kept the outward form of religious rituals but deliberately resisted correction and defiantly turned their hearts away from God. He said that their religion was unacceptable because their lives did not conform to His standard. The Lord offered forgiveness for Israel’s sins if they would stop doing evil things and begin doing right. Their failure to repent would lead to judgment that would have a refining effect. Isaiah foretold a glorious national restoration in righteousness, faithfulness, and justice.

How should I respond?
Everyone is busy. The challenge is to keep your life together while keeping up the appearance that all is well. How does God see your busyness? Would He call your spiritual activity meaningless? God invites you to listen to the words of the Bible and talk with Him concerning the condition of your heart. You can’t keep up appearances with God. He sees and knows you. Will you open your heart to God and ask Him to remove impure thoughts, habits, and desires? There’s hope in our chaotic lives because God purifies those who take time to listen to Him and respond in repentance.