May 23, 2021


Read – Isaiah 15-16

What does it say?
Isaiah warned of judgment and encouraged Moab to take refuge in Israel’s God.

What does it mean?
Isaiah prophesied that Moab would be completely destroyed. The prophet wept over the suffering of his enemies at the hands of Assyria. With compassion and sympathy, he pleaded with the pagan nation of Moab to seek refuge with the God of Israel in Jerusalem so they would be spared (10:24-34). Rather than take that option, the Moabites did not humble themselves, nor did they trust the Lord to shelter and save them. God protected Israel during this time in order to establish a nation from the descendants of David. Isaiah’s expression of grief reflected God’s sorrow over Moab’s rejection of refuge and the judgment that would follow.

How should I respond?
Some people would still rather trust in themselves and earthly forms of security rather than humbly trust the holy, loving God of the Bible. Scripture teaches that all who do not know Jesus are under God’s wrath or judgment, but those who have trusted in Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary as payment for their sin are under no condemnation. Have you been grieved by the spiritual condition of family, friends, and acquaintances? Will you choose to see past the hurt caused by an enemy in order to pray for them? How can you encourage them to know and trust Jesus as their refuge?