May 3, 2018


Read – Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

What does it say?
King Solomon encouraged his readers to remember God while they are young and to understand that life’s sole purpose is to fear God and obey His commands.

What does it mean?
As old age approaches, abilities that are taken for granted in youth begin to fail, and opportunities available in younger years begin to pass by. Although this transition seems bleak, the realities of life should urge the young to lay a solid spiritual foundation as early as possible. That foundation comes from God’s Word, not books written by man’s logic alone. Throughout Ecclesiastes, Solomon voiced the frustration of looking at life from an earthly point of view. He concludes that the only way life makes sense is to look at it from God’s perspective. The whole purpose of mankind is to live in awe of God, obeying His commands. Reverence for the Lord results in obedience to His Word.

How should I respond?
From time to time we all have a tendency to view life from an earthly perspective and forget our purpose: to worship God and obey His instructions with love and respect. Do you still have the health and energy of youth? Then, how are you training yourself to develop godly habits? Have the realities of getting older left you frustrated? Take time to remember God’s blessings and commit to obeying Him with every ounce of energy you have. No matter what stage of life you are in, the message from today’s passage is clear. Life without God is meaningless. Its lasting value is found in Jesus Christ!