May 8, 2020


Read – Deuteronomy 2

What does it say?
Moses recapped the Israelites’ wandering.

What does it mean?
The people of Israel had demonstrated distrust in God’s ability to give them the land He promised. They disobeyed, trying to do things their own way. As a result, the Israelites found out that rebellion against God has unpleasant consequences. Although He never abandoned them, God did not allow that generation to enter the land He promised to give them. Instead, they wandered in the desert for 40 years without any permanent residence. Through their experiences in the wilderness, God was teaching His people to trust and obey Him.

How should I respond?
Loving parents don’t let disobedience and rebellion go unchecked. Ultimately, it’s bad for the child. Likewise, your heavenly Father loves you enough to discipline you when necessary. Even though it’s unpleasant at the time, the lessons learned through this loving discipline should bring us to a place of better understanding and even thankfulness. What consequences have you faced as a result of demanding your own way? What lessons have you learned? Are you able to view discipline from God as a blessing? God desires the best for you and loves you enough to correct you when you stray from it. Ask God to show you any form of rebellion lurking in your heart today.