May 9, 2022


Read – Acts 3

What does it say?
Peter and John gave a crippled beggar complete healing in the name of Jesus.

What does it mean?
The Jewish people routinely went to the Temple each afternoon to pray while the priests performed the evening sacrifices. Peter and John could have walked right by the man, piously claiming that prayer was the priority, but they recognized an opportunity to glorify the name of Jesus and acted upon it. Other worshipers came to see what had happened because the apostles were willing to interrupt their daily routine. Christianity didn’t even have a name at this point, so the God-given power to perform miracles as Jesus had done authenticated the apostles’ message that Jesus is God. The work of God in one man’s life caused a ripple effect as many believed on Jesus (Acts 4:4).

How should I respond?
Work, school, lessons, and church activities keep us busy from dawn to dusk. We get so busy running from one scheduled activity to another that we hardly notice the people we pass. Although we pray for opportunities to help someone or witness for Jesus, we actually need to ask God to open our eyes to the opportunities He already gives but that we run past in our daily routines. What will you do the next time a hurting friend calls during your favorite television show, or you pass a homeless person asking for food on your way to church? Why not welcome the interruption and seize the opportunity to help them in the name of Jesus Christ?