November 10, 2019


Read – 1 Peter 3

What does it say?
Peter encouraged wives and husbands to respect each other. Even in suffering, believers have an opportunity to testify of God’s grace.

What does it mean?
Peter gave God’s directives for the husband and wife relationship. For the Christian wife, submission is a deep confidence in her heart that God is in control. Her desire is to be the woman God wants her to be. As she applies God’s Word to her life as a wife and acts in faith upon His principles, her obedience to God and submission to her husband create inward beauty – a gentle and quiet spirit. The husband, in turn, sees his leadership role as one of love and respect and understanding of the needs of his wife. He communicates to his wife that she is important and that he values her opinions.

How should I respond?
As Creator, God designed the roles for the husband and wife so that they could work together with the greatest creativity and success. As a wife, God wants to develop in you a submissive attitude toward your husband. As a husband, God wants to develop in you the ability to be the spiritual leader in your family. As you both seek to have a godly home, keep in mind that He knows what is best for you. When you pray today, thank Him for the unique way He works in your lives to help you understand His will for you. Will you commit to study and apply God’s Word as it relates to your role in the home?