November 15, 2019


Read – 2 Peter 1

What does it say?
Believers are to make every effort to add goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love to their faith.

What does it mean?
Peter reminded the Christians throughout the Roman Empire that God had supplied everything they needed to live godly lives, leaving no excuse for slackness in their spiritual growth. As the believer yields to the Holy Spirit within and renews his mind through God’s Word, godly character will become increasingly evident. To those who think the Bible is merely man’s ideas, Peter declared that the writers of Scripture were guided by the Holy Spirit as they wrote exactly what God wanted them to record.

How should I respond?
What does God’s Word mean to you? Are your ideas about character or morals based on what is socially acceptable, or do you desire to know and please God by following what He says in His Word? Reading the Bible regularly, memorizing Scripture, praying, and developing relationships with other believers will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. As you develop a deeper consciousness of God and apply the Scriptures, you will increasingly possess the inward qualities that will keep you growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. What will you do to move forward in your Christian life today?