November 26, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 7:11-22

What does it say?
After Solomon finished building the temple and the palace, the Lord conveyed to him the promise of blessings for obedience and the severe consequences of disobedience.

What does it mean?
Building an elaborate temple was a great accomplishment and greatly pleased the Lord, but God was more interested in the condition of the Israelites’ hearts than the work of their hands. Disobedience would affect not only their crops, health, and families but also the quality of their relationship with Him. But God always has a plan for restoration. The temple would be the dwelling place for God’s Name and heart. It was here that God’s people could be restored. If they humbly sought Him, prayed, and turned away from their sin, He promised to hear them, heal their lives, restore their land, and forgive their sin.

How should I respond?
Your outward obedience or disobedience to God’s commands is a reflection of what is going on in your heart. Obedience conveys the depth of your love for God and your desire to please Him. Disobedience, however, damages the quality of your relationship with the Lord and may block His blessing from your life. How would you describe your response to God’s Word? What sin has the Holy Spirit convicted you to turn away from? God promises to restore those who humbly seek forgiveness. Stop now and pray. God is inviting you to enjoy a depth of relationship that comes only by complete surrender.