October 14, 2019


Read – Hebrews 2

What does it say?
Everything is subject to Jesus, who is crowned with glory and honor because His sacrifice broke the power of death.

What does it mean?
The first chapter of Hebrews focused on the superiority of Christ because of His deity. This passage deals with the superiority of His humanity. Jesus did what no other human being could do – He took the death penalty for the sins of every person who would place their faith in Him. On the cross, Jesus defeated Satan and released mankind from the fear of death. Jesus’ perfect humanity means He is perfectly suited for the task of being High Priest, interceding to the Father for believers and helping when they are tempted. Readers are warned not to spiritually “drift” but to rely on Christ alone for their salvation.

How should I respond?
Do you feel as if no one understands what you’re going through? Jesus understands you fully. Because He was fully human, He knows how each difficulty or temptation you face feels. Because He was simultaneously fully God, He can redeem and rescue us from sin. He shared in our humanity in order to die in our place. What temptation are you currently facing? In what area have you started to drift spiritually? Jesus, the “merciful and faithful High Priest,” is willing and able to help you. Will you ask Him for help right now?