September 19, 2018


Read – Ezekiel 27What does it say?
Ezekiel lamented the coming destruction of the wealthy, prominent city of Tyre.

What does it mean?
A funeral dirge was customarily sung after someone passed away. God’s instruction to begin the dirge, even though the city was still standing, spoke to the certainty of Tyre’s destruction. Ezekiel’s lament compared the maritime city to a beautiful ship that would eventually sink, bringing grief to her people, merchants, and customers. This was a fitting comparison since their business partnerships provided jobs and income to many nations. But this proud city saw no need to give recognition to the Lord for her success.

How should I respond?
It’s not uncommon for people to pride themselves in fame, fortune, and power. Oftentimes, God’s provision and goodness aren’t acknowledged at all. How can you honor God in your successes? How might you have taken personal credit for something the Lord enabled you to do? A grateful, humble heart can bring everything into proper perspective. As you interact with others throughout the day, look for opportunities to mention how God is working in your life. Determine today to bring honor to Christ in everything you do – 1 Corinthians 10:31.