September 20, 2023


Read – 1 Kings 9:1-9

What does it say?
God appeared a second time to Solomon and made a covenant with him.

What does it mean?
God, in His faithfulness, assured Solomon that He heard his prayer at the temple dedication. God would grant all that Solomon had asked. God’s heart and presence then consecrated the temple. Solomon and his descendants, however, had additional responsibility placed on them. Disobedience or unfaithfulness by Solomon and his family in any form would not be tolerated. Violation of God’s commands would result in Israel’s removal from their land and destruction of the temple. Forsaking the Lord would ultimately make Israel the object of ridicule.

How should I respond?
God holds leaders to a higher standard because they are in a position of guiding, teaching, and directing others. What position of leadership are you in today? Whether it’s parenting, serving at church, or supervising at work, it is imperative to be the best example possible for people to follow. In what ways do you need to improve as a leader? How can you be a godly influence this week? Your obedience or disobedience to the Lord will cause a ripple effect to those under your authority. The responsibilities of leadership may carry a burden, but the opportunity to impact others is unparalleled.|For further reading, 1 Kings 9:10-28