September 23, 2019


Read – 1 Timothy 1

What does it say?
Paul instructed Timothy to correct those who were teaching false doctrine. Describing himself as the worst of sinners, Paul thanked God for his salvation.

What does it mean?
Paul was Timothy’s mentor in addition to being like a father to him. He opened his first letter to Timothy by making it clear that no one has been excluded from God’s offer of salvation. The reason Jesus came to Earth and lived among men was to have a relationship with those who had previously rejected Him. Specifically listing murderers, adulterers, perverts, slave traders, and liars, Paul illustrated just how far the mercy of God reaches by talking about his own desperate need for mercy. In Christ, he found abundant grace, faith, and love. Paul is an example of a radically transformed life.

How should I respond?
Does past sin haunt you? As you begin to understand who God truly is, you become more aware of your own sinfulness. God’s mercy, grace, and love extend to wherever you are or have been. Family, friends, and co-workers should see evidence of your transformed life once you accept God’s offer to have a personal relationship with Him. Past sin isn’t a reason to live in shame. Allow God to use you as evidence of His love and grace. Who needs to hear from you about God’s mercy and grace today?