September 24, 2023


Read – 1 Kings 12

What does it say?
Israel’s new rulers followed their own selfish motives. The kingdom was divided and fell further away from God.

What does it mean?
The new leaders ravaged the nation of Israel soon after the death of Solomon. Rehoboam’s pride and arrogance lead to the dividing of the kingdom. Jeroboam’s fear and need for acceptance forced him to embrace and promote idolatry. The once-great nation, a symbol of God’s blessing, was now being lead astray by rulers who had no thought of Him. And, as sin became more prevalent, the divided nation began to learn a very hard lesson: leadership motivated by selfishness leads only to destruction.

How should I respond?
Leadership at any level can be difficult. Even so, success is possible when we make God our focus rather than ourselves. Just like Rehoboam and Jeroboam, we often fail to realize that we’re incapable of leading the way God wants us to when we replace following Him with pursuing selfish desires and motives. How much time do you spend asking God for His wisdom and guidance in your leadership? Make a list of the places God has called you to lead. Then ask Him to help you see your true motivations. Leadership motivated by following God will always honor Him.