September 29, 2019


Read – 1 Timothy 5

What does it say?
Paul gave advice concerning older and younger men, older and younger women, widows, and church elders.

What does it mean?
Becoming a follower of Christ increases family and social responsibility. Believers have a God-given responsibility to provide for their children’s needs while also making sure that elderly members of a family are properly cared for as they face the challenges of aging. Likewise, a local church body is a family that respects and cares for one another. Older members are to be respected like mothers and fathers, while younger members are to be loved like brothers and sisters. Churches are to be especially mindful of widows. In Paul’s day, many of the widows were without provision and protection.

How should I respond?
There was a time when respect for older members of society was not only taught but also expected. While it isn’t obsolete, it has become a rarity. What is your attitude toward older members of your family? How can you help meet the physical needs of a widow in your church? If you’re part of an older generation, look for younger men and women with teachable attitudes who can benefit from your experience and wisdom. Generation gaps will always exist. Nevertheless, each generation has a responsibility to care for the one before and after it. That’s how you put your “religion into practice.”