September 5, 2018


Read – Ezekiel 14:1-11

What does it say?
The Lord told the elders who inquired of Ezekiel to repent, turn from their idols, and renounce their detestable practices.

What does it mean?
Exile and God’s judgment had not wiped out idolatry in the lives of God’s people; it was taking root inwardly rather than being displayed openly in the streets. The elders who came to Ezekiel asking for information about the length of their exile were hypocritical. Outwardly, they inquired of the Lord, but inwardly their devotion belonged to something else. These men were consumed with concern about their physical circumstances but ignored the glaring issue concerning their souls – they still didn’t recognize the God of Israel as the Sovereign Lord of the Earth. Their hearts were unchanged.

How should I respond?
You’ve probably heard the accusation that every church has hypocrites; you may have even said it. Well, it’s true! Churches are made up of imperfect people. Rationalizing hypocrisy doesn’t solve the issue – we must each deal with it head on. At some point, we’ve all been more concerned about our outward circumstances than the condition of our heart. Or you may have walked through church, masking a hidden sin with a smile. Ask God to search your heart and help you to recognize and confess any personal hypocrisy. Allow the Sovereign Lord of the Earth to shape your heart until it reflects His.