March 8, 2018


Read – Proverbs 11:1-23

What does it say?
Solomon gave encouragement to the wise and warnings to the wicked. He contrasted the godly life of the wise with the ungodly behavior of those who lack judgment.

What does it mean?
This passage reads like a résumé for godly character in contrast with ungodly behavior. God Himself is righteous, so it stands to reason that He delights in people who display righteousness in daily life. The righteous are described as honest, humble, kindhearted, blameless, and trustworthy. The integrity of the righteous guides them, providing peace, deliverance, life, and freedom. As a result, they build a godly life that brings delight to the Lord. The wicked will discover that everything they worked for will come to nothing. When they die, all they hoped for in this life will end only in God’s wrath.

How should I respond?
Would you describe yourself as a righteous person? It’s not a word we use very often anymore. Yet, righteousness is exactly what followers of Christ should strive for. Christians live in the world, but we are not to be like it. That means we constantly have to make intentional choices to display godly character. Which traits described in today’s passage best describe you? Have your attitudes, words, and actions lined up with righteousness or with what God calls wickedness? Godly behavior comes only by yielding to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. How will your spiritual résumé read today?

Stomach Cancer Diagnosis

Pat C. has stomach cancer please pray for her. She is a saved believer, but is scared.

March 7, 2018


Read – Proverbs 10:12-32

What does it say?
Words can encourage or discourage, heal or wound, unite or divide. Words reveal what is in the heart.

What does it mean?
It is vital to recognize the impact of spoken words. Words reveal a person’s character and distinguish the wise from the fool. In this passage the speech of the righteous is compared to choice silver, pure and valuable. The hearts of the righteous speak words filled with wisdom to encourage, comfort, and guide many. The hearts of the wicked, however, speak cruel, violent words, ignoring the pain brought to others. The wise person knows that speaking too many words increases the risk of sinning. He knows when to be silent … and just listen.

How should I respond?
So often we speak before thinking. Yet as followers of Christ, our speech should be a major area of concern. At work, or even at home, you may be exposed to profanity, negativity, or gossip that can gradually influence your thinking and attitudes. Since words flow from the heart, they can be controlled only by yielding to God’s Spirit. Is your goal to glorify God in everything you say? What are you doing to control your speech? Show restraint in how much you say, and recognize the effect your words have on others. Then ask God to use you to encourage others by sharing only life-giving words.

March 6, 2018


Read – Proverbs 10:1-11

What does it say?
Diligence and integrity bring blessing, security, and peace. Laziness and evil behavior result in poverty, grief, and ruin.

What does it mean?
Solomon contrasted the godly actions of the wise with the negative behavior of the foolish. Knowing the value of hard work, the wise person displays godly qualities of diligence, dependability, and integrity. He also has a sense of purpose and prepares for the future. As a result, he experiences blessings from God and respect from others. However, a lazy person loses sight of what is important and thinks only of himself. Anyone who lives to please himself alone fails to please the Lord and brings dishonor to himself and his family.

How should I respond?
Many in today’s society seem to have lost a sense of purpose. Instead of taking initiative and doing their best, they have a mindset of doing only what must be done to get by. However, God designed us to be engaged in fulfilling, productive work. How are you diligently doing the work He’s called you to do? In what areas do you need to discipline yourself to persevere? People who don’t know Jesus personally often form opinions of Christ based on how professing believers behave. As a follower of Christ, your work ethic reflects your faith. If your focus is on working for the Lord with integrity, others will seldom be disappointed.

Parkinsons Disease

I have Parkinsons disease. Please pray for God to heal me. All prayers appreciated.
No name given

Rash on body – need healing

Name: mark jones Prayer Request: I’m needing prayer for my body because I have a rash all over my body and no one knows what it is. I believe that God has the healing power to heal me. God bless you.

Intestinal Issue

Name: Dominique Prayer Request: God’s wisdom for the doctors and may He guide the surgeons hand

March 5, 2018


Read – Proverbs 9

What does it say?
Both wisdom and folly issue invitations to the simple and those lacking judgment. Wisdom leads to a life of reward and understanding, but folly leads to death.

What does it mean?
In the opening chapters of Proverbs, Solomon lays out the case for wisdom. Chapter 9 brings his sons to a decision point: will they accept the invitation of wisdom or of folly? In the middle of describing each invitation, he gives characteristics of the person who chooses wisdom: accepts correction, is teachable, has reverence and knowledge of God. When someone approaches life with a hunger and respect for His ways, God gives him understanding and insight regarding how He designed mankind to function in the world He created. A life of wisdom naturally results in a fulfilling and rewarding life.

How should I respond?
Today’s passage serves as a measuring stick. The characteristics laid out here provide an opportunity to evaluate which invitation to life you have accepted: wisdom or folly. Do you appreciate when a godly friend cautions you, or do you lash out in some way? Would your family and co-workers describe you as teachable? What is your attitude toward God? Reverence for God and knowledge of His ways come through a personal relationship and study of His Word. So what do your answers tell you about yourself? Undoubtedly, we all want the rewards of a wise life. Getting there depends on which invitation you accept today.

March 4, 2018


Read – Proverbs 8:22-36

What does it say?
Wisdom was the first of God’s works and was at His side when He created everything in Heaven and earth. Finding wisdom results in a life of blessing and favor from the Lord.

What does it mean?
This passage sets up a thought-provoking chain of events. Wisdom is central to the character of God. He is the source of all wisdom; finding wisdom results in His blessing and favor. If God is the very embodiment of wisdom, then wisdom is found in His presence. Before sin entered the world, there was perfect harmony between the Lord and His creation; wisdom didn’t have to be sought – it was the byproduct of enjoying the presence of the Lord. Death entered the world through one foolish and sinful act that reflected a hatred of God’s wisdom. To reject wisdom is to reject the Lord.

How should I respond?
Are you pursuing God’s blessings or God Himself? His blessings are often well within our reach as the result of making wise decisions. Today’s passage offers the key to recognizing wise choices: living in the presence of God. As you open your Bible each day, ask God to reveal Himself; then spend time in prayer meditating on who He is. The more you learn about Christ and begin to take on His character, the more quickly you’ll recognize sin in your daily life. How have your decisions this week reflected accepting or rejecting God’s wisdom? Go straight to the source and let Him handle the blessings.

March 3, 2018


Read – Proverbs 8:1-21

What does it say?
Wisdom invites all mankind to gain understanding by listening to her words. Nothing man desires can compare with wisdom. Those who seek wisdom will find her.

What does it mean?
Solomon invites the reader to make the same choice he had made – to choose wisdom over all else. He possessed both wealth and wisdom. Yet in his opinion, wisdom’s value has no equal. The irony is that the pursuit of wisdom leads to enduring prosperity. This doesn’t mean that every wise person is rich. Rather, every wise person has what he needs because he handles his affairs in a wise and just manner. This includes the choice to leave pride and arrogance behind, along with speech and behavior that God considers evil. Wisdom promises to be found by any and all who seek her.

How should I respond?
We usually associate age with wisdom. However, this passage says that you can be wise now – whatever your age, position, or situation. How? Simply pursue wisdom more than anything else. What other pursuits do you need to leave behind? Are you focused on the ends or the means? This simple paradigm shift opens the door for God’s blessing. For instance, instead of asking God to take you out of a situation, ask Him for the wisdom to handle your relationships or finances in a godly way. What else has been at the top of your prayer list lately? Wisdom is the answer.

March 2, 2018


Read – Proverbs 7

What does it say?
Solomon again urged his sons to keep his words and guard his commands. Wisdom and understanding protect young and simple men from the snares of the adulteress.

What does it mean?
As in the previous chapter, Solomon addressed his son’s personal acceptance of godly instruction so that it became central to who he was. Solomon wisely painted word pictures of putting his teaching on daily, like a ring, and instinctively protecting it from harm as one would protect his physical eyes. When God’s Word is stored in the hearts and minds of His children, it provides wisdom and judgment for every situation. Solomon specifically says that godly teaching helps a person recognize those with immoral intent.

How should I respond?
We are in constant need of wisdom to recognize the pitfalls of sin. The overwhelming message of Proverbs is that wisdom comes from God’s law, which is no longer written on tablets of stone but on the hearts of believers (Hebrews 10:16). Like a wedding ring, following God’s commands signifies that we belong to Christ and are unavailable to any other way of life. That kind of intimacy with Christ isn’t automatic; it must be intentionally protected. You have no idea what situations or temptations you’ll face this week. How are you internalizing God’s Word to protect and prepare your heart for any situation?

March 1, 2018


Read – Proverbs 6:20-35

What does it say?
Solomon’s teaching on issues of morality was a guiding light and protection to his son.

What does it mean?
Solomon asked his son to internalize what he had been taught, choosing to make it his way of life rather than mere outward compliance. Solomon’s description of his teaching likened it to Scripture, a guiding light leading down the path to life rather than self-destruction. (Psalm 119:11, 105). Parental instruction based on God’s Word also provides protection and wise counsel. Solomon said that following his words would specifically protect his son in issues of morality. Solomon was preparing his son to respond wisely to temptation before he was face-to-face with the situation.

How should I respond?
Kids have access to all kinds of immorality as close as the smart phones in their hands. While every generation faces new avenues of temptation, the moral issues remain the same. Each person must choose to either accept or disregard God’s Word. It’s our job as parents, family members, teachers, and volunteers to prepare this generation for the world they will face. But the only instruction that has lasting value comes from Scripture. In order to be effective, we must first allow God to change our lives through a personal relationship with Christ and obedience to His Word. What role is God asking you to play in guiding the next generation? Have you made godly teaching your way of life?

February 28, 2018


Read – Proverbs 6:1-19

What does it say?
Solomon warned against financial pledges and laziness, which lead to poverty. The Lord hates the ways of dishonest and violent people who stir up dissension.

What does it mean?
Solomon continued to warn his son against foolish behaviors that lead to poverty. He reasoned that God created man to do honest and useful work, using the body for the Lord’s service. That’s why God hates when the human body is used for evil. Solomon laid out six behaviors that are detestable to the Lord – each corresponding to a particular part of the body. Using one’s entire being for God’s honor not only brings Him glory, it benefits the person as well.

How should I respond?
As a child, you may have learned the song “Be Careful Little Hands What You Do.” That principle remains true no matter how old you are. According to this passage, it applies to every part of your body. What would life look like if your behavior was the exact opposite of what God hates? Eyes that look humbly to the Lord for help aren’t filled with pride. A tongue that praises the Lord isn’t used for lying. Hands busy serving aren’t folded in laziness or used to harm the innocent. Feet that carry the good news of the gospel don’t rush into evil. Also, a heart consumed with the love of God has no room for scheming. How will you use your body for the Lord’s honor and glory this week?


Pray for Wendy R. and family as her mother passed away Feb 26th.

February 27, 2018


Read – Proverbs 5

What does it say?
The words of an adulteress lead to regret and utter ruin. Solomon encouraged his son to stay far from her door and find satisfaction in his wife alone.

What does it mean?
Still instructing his son, Solomon extended his metaphor regarding what path to take. In this passage he specifically warned against any path that led to adultery. Solomon understood that adulterous relationships that seem enticing at the beginning ultimately lead to pain and regret. He wanted his son to have an intimate physical relationship that was blessed, finding joy and satisfaction with his wife alone even into old age. Without wisdom and discipline, the sin of adultery would pull him into its trap. Staying on the path of wisdom, however, would keep him far from the door of the adulteress.

How should I respond?
Our society encourages us to follow our hearts and do whatever feels right. The problem with that philosophy is the deceitful nature of our own hearts (Jeremiah 17:9). So what precautions can you put in place to protect your marriage? Foremost, guard your conversations at work and with friends, avoiding inappropriate jokes or comments. What you may consider innocent flirtation is really playing with fire. Affairs often start as emotional attachments, so reserve heart-to-heart talks for your spouse. It is possible to love one person for a lifetime, but love is a choice you make each and every day.

End of life

Name: Mike Ashwood Prayer Request: Please pray for my mother Mary Ashwood as the eternal kingdom draws near to her. Please also pray for my family to be strong in this most difficult time. I realize it is to be a joyous time as mom will be in eternity with our Lord and Savior but it is quite difficult.

Employment Needed

Please pray for my nephew Richard to find a good job.

Daughter living apart from God

Prayer for my daughter who is not living a honest life. She causes a lot of grief in our family.
No name given

Heavy Heart

Prayer for a family member whose heart is very heavy and hurting.
No name given

Tonsils removed

Please be in prayer for my grandson Andrew who is getting his tonsils out tomorrow. He is only six years old and very frightened.

February 26, 2018


Read – Proverbs 4:10-27

What does it say?
Accepting and guarding wise instruction will lead to an unhindered path. Above all, the heart should be guarded as the storehouse for instruction and the wellspring of life.

What does it mean?
Solomon used a metaphor describing two choices in life: the godly path of wisdom or the destructive path of wickedness. He implied that choosing the darker path is the result of rejecting wisdom. Hence, foolishness eventually leads to wickedness. A godly life shines brightly in contrast to the spiritual darkness of the wicked path. But the path of the righteous isn’t taken by accident; it’s the result of accepting wise instruction and guarding one’s heart. Every part of the body must be focused on the wise path.

How should I respond?
Olympic medals are not won by accident. The athletes who achieve the most make choices every day that keep them on the path to success. They listen to coaches, guard their time, and stay focused on their goals. As a follower of Christ, you too have to be on guard and focused in order to avoid foolishness. Staying on the path to godly wisdom requires submitting your heart, mouth, eyes, and feet to God and His purpose. Where have you let down your guard? How has a foolish decision opened the door to ungodly thoughts or behavior? Determine today to take one intentional step “in the way of wisdom.” The path you choose will determine the outcome of your life.

Battling Ovarian Cancer

Name: katie Prayer Request: Mrs. Barkyoumb, a very close family friend who has been battling stage IV ovarian cancer for 4 years, was called home last night. Her son Chance, daughter Destiny, and husband Mr. Barkyoumb need prayers for comfort and healing in their time of mourning.

February 25, 2018


Read – Proverbs 4:1-9

What does it say?
Solomon taught his sons that having wisdom is superior to all else and gaining understanding is worth giving up everything because it brings life and grace.

What does it mean?
In these verses we learn why Solomon asked God for wisdom when he could have asked for anything he wanted (1 Kings 3:5-14). Solomon’s father, King David, taught him that gaining wisdom and understanding was worth more than all the treasure he could acquire – worth giving up all that he had. To aid his understanding, David personified wisdom as a woman due the love and fidelity of a beloved wife. This lesson changed the course of Solomon’s life. Wisdom had indeed exalted and honored his embrace. Solomon carefully passed on his father’s advice to his own sons.

How should I respond?
As parents, we are the most important teachers our kids will ever have. It’s vital to intentionally plant the seeds of truth in their hearts and minds. The things we say and do will have a lasting impact on the course of their lives. What truth from God’s Word have you learned this week? How are you passing that on to your children? They listen, watch, and learn – even when we think they aren’t paying attention. How do your actions match what you say you believe? Wise children are the product of careful teaching.

Heart and Lung Issues

Pray for Francis P. as she has heart trouble and lung problems

February 24, 2018


Read – Proverbs 3:21-35

What does it say?
Solomon urged his son to use sound judgment and do good deeds when he had power to act. God blesses the righteous, gives grace to the humble, and honors the wise.

What does it mean?
King Solomon didn’t want his son to delay when he had the power to do something good for someone else. However, good deeds alone aren’t what please the Lord; it takes humility to look out for the best interest of others. As a result, God provides discernment and sound judgment regarding when to act and what to do. It then stands to reason that those who follow the Lord should never intentionally harm or falsely accuse others. While the wicked look out for themselves at all costs, the upright have the promise of God’s guidance and grace.

How should I respond?
The old adage is true: with great power comes great responsibility. Not only are followers of Christ heirs of God’s kingdom, we also have the constant presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Like Solomon’s son, we need to understand that our position isn’t to be used for selfish purposes. But neither are we to do good things simply to gain favor with God. Understanding God’s grace produces an attitude of genuine humility, making it second nature to help others. God’s grace and wisdom are the intangible components in the lives of those who choose to follow Him. And the effects of His grace on any situation can’t be calculated.

February 23, 2018


Read – Proverbs 3:1-20

What does it say?
Trust in the Lord and accept His discipline. His wisdom and understanding are incomparable treasures that bring blessing, long life, honor, and peace.

What does it mean?
Solomon, again, tells his son that wisdom and fear of the Lord go hand in hand, urging him to go beyond reverence for the Lord to trust. Trust is more than simply acknowledging that God is capable of handling life’s issues; trusting with one’s whole heart requires acting upon that knowledge in faith. It means accepting the Lord’s correction because He has full knowledge of the situation and knows how to clear the path for His child’s best interest. Only then will one find true wisdom and understanding, which are more valuable than the greatest earthly treasures.

How should I respond?
With what situation has God been asking you to trust Him? How can you know if you’re trusting in the Lord’s wisdom rather than your own? First, ask Him to reveal any area where you’re not yielding to His correction; godly wisdom is the result of obedience. Next, acknowledge God’s authority over your life and humbly seek His direction before taking each step. Every time you choose to trust the Lord, your understanding of how He works increases, and He receives glory for the results. A life of trust will produce a wiser, more peaceful you. What could possibly be more valuable than that?

February 22, 2018


Read – Proverbs 2

What does it say?
Wisdom comes to those who accept and apply God’s commands.

What does it mean?
Solomon told his son that gaining wisdom isn’t merely a mental exercise; it requires action. “If” he sought wisdom, “then” it would lead to understanding and work itself out in his behavior. Those who conduct themselves wisely are upright, blameless, just, and faithful. Wisdom is like a two-sided coin: it must be sought, but it is also a gift of God. The logical conclusion, then, is that wisdom comes by seeking God Himself, which results in living in His favor and presence. Seeking godly wisdom leads a person to others who are doing the same and leads away from those living foolish, immoral lives.

How should I respond?
As children we quickly learned that actions have consequences; if you touch a hot stove, then you get burned. People who loved us provided the knowledge that the stove was hot. Choosing to act with understanding by not touching the stove is wisdom. As we become more mature, God provides us with all kinds of knowledge about the “ifs” and “thens” of the world for both our physical and spiritual well-being. But choosing to act on the knowledge we gain is up to us. How would you describe your search for knowledge about God and His ways? The guidance and protection that result from God’s gift of wisdom come by diligently seeking Him and acting on what you learn.

Provisions for missions trip

Name: Jose Delgado Prayer Request: God’s provision for my short term mission trip to Nassau over spring break.

February 21, 2018


Read – Proverbs 1:20-33

What does it say?
Those who reject wisdom’s correction will be destroyed by their own ways. However, listening to her advice brings safety and freedom from fear of harm.

What does it mean?
In the opening chapters of Proverbs, Solomon was teaching his sons how to live wisely. Here, he lays out logically the case for wisdom and warns of the consequences of rejecting it. First, wisdom is available to anyone willing to listen and respond. Next, since all wisdom comes from the Lord, one cannot be wise without having a personal relationship with God. Finally, accepting correction and acting on godly advice bring wisdom and will lead one away from harm. The person who ignores wise advice, however, will be haunted by their choices because a foolish decision cannot be undone.

How should I respond?
“If only”… we’ve all been haunted by those words at some point. If only we had listened. If only we had done things differently. Too often, we only want God’s input after our own ideas have fallen apart, and our plans end in disaster. We have to live with the consequences of our foolishness when we reject wise, godly advice. What foolish decision can you avoid by acting on God’s commands in Scripture? What godly person can you go to for wise advice? Living with no regret starts with having a vibrant relationship with Christ. Will you accept or reject His wisdom today?

February 20, 2018


Read – Proverbs 1:8-19

What does it say?
Instruction from parents is valuable, but evil influences lead to despair and ruin.

What does it mean?
God desires that parents diligently teach their children and point them to the Lord. Children would be wise to honor their parents’ godly influence and guidance in their lives. As children learn from their parents’ instruction, it brings honor to the children, the parents, and God. Listening to a parent’s counsel also provides a strong foundation of wisdom in every aspect of life. Solomon strongly warned against evil influences that will lead to a destructive lifestyle. Succumbing to the allure of sinful pleasures, dangerous influences, and greedy desires can lead to a pit of despair and ruin.

How should I respond?
God has set a high standard for parents to live out before their children. This requires intentional daily living that focuses on becoming godly examples that children can follow. As a parent, what areas in your life do you need to bring before the Lord, asking for wisdom and guidance? We can’t expect our children to live honorably before the Lord in areas where we have failed to follow Him. Thank God today for His warning in Scripture against evil influences. What temptations have you allowed to overtake your life because you failed to seek God’s direction or truth? Admit these areas of struggle before the Lord. He is ready and willing to come to your rescue and bring you out of a destructive path into a restored life with Him.

Granddaughter – undiagnosed illness

My grand – daughter Erin, who has an undiagnosed illness.
No name given

February 19, 2018


Read – Proverbs 1:1-7

What does it say?
The Proverbs of Solomon were written to offer words of wisdom that encourage a life of discipline, discretion, and prudence. Knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord.

What does it mean?
In the opening verses of Proverbs, Solomon stated his purpose and his audience. By thoughtfully reading these pages, every person has something to gain – regardless of age or level of knowledge. As king, he was teaching the Israelites to use good judgment in order to do what was right and fair in their daily interactions with one another. He stated that wisdom requires both knowledge and first-hand experience of the Lord. Therefore, wisdom starts by respectfully responding to God in obedience and worship. His conclusion? It’s foolish for anyone to reject the wisdom and discipline found in Scripture. It is wise to seek guidance and discernment for life.

How should I respond?
Wisdom is the process of knowing how to live out the truth that God gives in His Word. It doesn’t matter if you are young and impulsive or if you already have a measure of wisdom from years of living – Proverbs has something for you. Which quality in today’s passage are you in need of just now – wisdom, discernment, good judgment, discipline, or guidance? The starting point is approaching God and His Word with reverence and respect. The question is, “Will you embrace or despise what He shows you?”

February 18, 2018


Read – Job 42

What does it say?
Job recognized God’s sovereignty, repented of his presumptuous attitude, and obeyed God’s instructions to pray for his friends. He was given twice as much as he had before.

What does it mean?
Faced with devastating tragedies, Job struggled with what he had always believed about God. In the end, Job realized his arrogance and repented. God vindicated Job in the presence of his friends. It might have been tempting for Job to say to his friends, “I told you so.” However, God didn’t let that happen. God instructed Job to pray for his friends, releasing any bitterness that could have taken root in his heart. Job’s reward was not only his restored prosperity, but also restored faith in the God who loved him enough to give him a glimpse of the reality of who He is.

How should I respond?
In recent years, reality television programs with pseudo-experiences of “real life” have become increasingly popular. The book of Job, on the other hand, does give an actual look at real events experienced in real life. In the midst of tragedies, you might wonder, “Why?” No matter what the answer is, God wants to give you a greater understanding of who He is. In what situation are you questioning what God has allowed instead of humbly trusting Him? Submitting to Him – whether in a season of difficulty or in a moment of victory – changes you and helps you know Him better. That is reality.

February 17, 2018


Read – Job 40-41

What does it say?
God’s questions challenged Job to see his limited wisdom to administer justice and his limited power to handle powerful creatures, such as the behemoth and the leviathan.

What does it mean?
In a profound act of grace, God met with Job and gave him a chance to state his case. Admitting his unworthiness, Job stopped talking and started listening. God’s questioning helped Job see his inability to handle matters of justice for all the moral issues of the world. Job’s faith had wavered, and he needed a reminder that God always administers justice fairly. Instead of addressing the “why?” of Job’s trials, God appealed to his mind and heart with the rhetorical question, “Can you….?” No, Job could not – but he could rest in the wisdom and power of his all-sufficient Lord.

How should I respond?
God in His grace recorded Job’s experiences to help us understand that we may never understand some things in this earthly life. We often question why good people suffer, while evil people seem to prosper. At times we often wonder, “How did that person get that job, promotion, or recognition?” How has your faith wavered because life doesn’t seem fair? Remember, the final chapter of our lives is still in process. God does reward obedience – but not always on this side of life. Will you trust God’s promise, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9)?

Child Battling Cancer

Please pray for Whit. He is seven years old and is battling cancer. Treatments have been very hard on him.

February 16, 2018


Read – Job 38-39

What does it say?
God broke His silence and questioned Job. The Creator of Heaven and earth responded by revealing details of His creation, not by giving a reason for Job’s trial.

What does it mean?
In this courtroom, God was Prosecutor and Judge. Rather than answer his multitude of questions, God asked Job questions, leaving him with no defense. God silenced Job’s wonderings by pointing out the wonders of His creation. Since God perfectly planned and sustains the universe, He could certainly handle Job’s life. God is accountable to NO man; His wisdom and sovereignty were all Job needed to know. Although Job might not have understood the mind or ways of God, he could know and trust Him. Job had been waiting for the answer to, “Why?” but the Lord responded with, “Who?”

How should I respond?
“My God is so big, so strong and so mighty; there’s nothing my God cannot do!” This simple preschool song says it all. Our God, Maker of Heaven and earth, is at work in your life. His history of faithfulness should give you total confidence that He can handle whatever comes your way. When has the enemy tried to tell you differently? When have you felt all alone? You are not! God may not explain the reason for your pain, but He has already done so much more by revealing Himself in Scripture. Our all-wise Creator is at your side and invites you to know and trust Him. Will you?

February 15, 2018


Read – Job 35-37

What does it say?
God is great! Who can know Him? Elihu finished by declaring God’s goodness, justice, power, and sovereignty. Man cannot know or understand God’s ways or reasons.

What does it mean?
Elihu felt it was his duty to speak for God in order to help Job gain understanding. He believed Job was neither obedient nor repentant and that was why he was suffering. Elihu argued that Job wasn’t owed blessing for obedience because God is sovereign. Regardless of whether or not Elihu understood Job’s situation, he did understand some things about God’s person: the Lord is powerful, benevolent, just, and sovereign.

How should I respond?
Schoolteachers and parents alike often use rewards as positive reinforcement for right behavior. Likewise, rewards are withheld when a child’s actions are unacceptable. We come to expect rewards for doing what’s right, even from God. While obedience does bring blessing, we don’t always recognize how and why the Lord is directing our lives as He does. His blessing may come by withholding something you’re praying for earnestly. What painful situation might actually be God’s goodness in your life? What change are you resisting? Find peace in the confident recognition that God is in control. Remain obedient and look for His powerful, benevolent hand.

Pray for Parkland FL

Please let us pray for All that was involved at Parkland, FL and keeping our children safe at schools.
No name given

February 14, 2018


Read – Job 32-34

What does it say?
No matter what happened to Job, God was just, fair, and right in all He did.

What does it mean?
Job’s three friends seemed to give up on his admitting to some grave sin. Meanwhile, Elihu, a young bystander decided to convey his perspective on Job’s situation and his friends’ advice. He found holes in the arguments of both sides: Job placed blame on God, while the friends found Job guilty without evidence. There are different opinions as to whether Elihu was arrogant or had great insight for his age. Either way, he defended the character of God in the Lord’s silence. Elihu correctly argued that God could never act wickedly, pervert justice, or show partiality.

How should I respond?
We’ll never have all of the answers during life’s most difficult moments. But what do you do when God seems to be completely silent or inactive? Focus on His character traits while you’re waiting for Him to act. For instance, knowing that He is just will guard from saying, “It’s not fair” or “Why me?” What other attributes of God have you seen in Scripture? How do they relate to your current circumstances? What unanswered questions do you have today? Turn them over to your Lord and rest in knowing that He is just. Wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14); He sees what you are going through.

February 13, 2018


Read – Job 29-31

What does it say?
Job reminisces about the honor and respect he previously had; then he reflects on his current state of misery, despair and abandonment, both spiritually and physically.

What does it mean?
Job was an upright man, held in very high regard in his community. He was wise, generous, and admired. Job was an advocate for the poor and helpless. He was in close communion with God and knew he was blessed. But when sudden tragedy came upon him, Job was scorned and ridiculed by the lowest of the low. He lost more than his physical possessions: he lost his place in society. Although Job knew God was there, he felt totally alone.

How should I respond?
Life can change in an instant. How blessed we are to have the Bible, rich in truth and full of promises when our world turns upside down. When have you experienced the lowest of lows? God may seem so far away, but He has promised never to forsake those who follow Him. Do you have friends or family members who are in the depths of despair? Don’t withdraw from them; be there to gently remind them of the goodness and faithfulness of God. Like Job, we may sometimes fall from the graces of others, but we cannot fall from the grace of God. You are not alone!

February 12, 2018


Read – Job 27-28

What does it say?
Job talked about the source of all wisdom and understanding. Man can search and find treasures deep in the earth more easily than he can find wisdom.

What does it mean?
Precious metals and gems have been desired for millennia. Man has gone to great lengths to uncover the hidden treasures God placed in the earth. Long before Solomon, Job posed the question, “Where can wisdom or understanding be found?” Certainly not in the depths of the ground or the sea, nor can it be bought with any amount of riches. The answer is given in verse 28. The fear of the Lord (respect and awe for the majesty of God) is wisdom and turning from evil is understanding. Job knew he needed wisdom and that God was its only source.

How should I respond?
How much money is enough? The world’s answer… just a little bit more. Yet no amount of money can buy wisdom or provide security. If people without Christ greedily long for more “stuff,” shouldn’t those who claim His name pursue wisdom? Truly seeking after God and trusting Him will put you on the path of wisdom. Seeking Him starts by studying His Word. What current situation has left you perplexed? What are you pursuing for the answer, more money or godly wisdom? Ask God for understanding as you study Scripture. A God-given “aha” moment is worth more than any treasure.

Prayer for families of fallen officers

Prayer Request: Please pray for the 2 Police Officer’s families that were murdered in Ohio.  Please pray for their fellow Officers, and the Central Ohio community dealing with this senseless tragedy.

February 11, 2018


Read – Job 25-26

What does it say?
Bildad questions how any man can be righteous before God, who has dominion over everything. Job talks about man’s frailty and God’s power over His creation.

What does it mean?
This short exchange between Bildad and Job focuses on the power and majesty of God compared to man’s insignificance. In Bildad’s last words to Job, he tried to convey man’s complete unworthiness to question God’s justice. Job’s sarcastic response conveys how unhelpful Bildad’s words were at such a difficult time. Bildad chose to further humiliate his friend rather than encourage him in his frustration and despair. Job’s response shows an understanding that God’s actions and power are incomprehensible.

How should I respond?
Our view of God is limited. We tend to think of Him in light of our current circumstances. We see God as either loving or just, but it’s difficult to understand that He is both, and so much more. How have your personal experiences skewed your thoughts about God? The best way to broaden your understanding is a commitment to study Scripture daily. Dig into His Word and ask God to reveal truths about Himself. Changing how you view the Lord will change how you see yourself and everyone with whom you come into contact.

Employment Needed

Name: Michael Prayer Request: I am still looking for a job. I have been unemployed since October when I was laid off from my current job. Please pray God will open doors and I will find a job. Pray God continues to provide for my family and the ability to continue to pay our bills.

February 10, 2018


Read – Job 23-24

What does it say?
Although he was terrified of what else God might have in his future, Job knew he would be delivered if he could find God and plead his innocence in person.

What does it mean?
God’s comments about Job are evidence of the close relationship they shared (Job 1:8). Nothing about Job’s character had changed, yet he felt as if a chasm had been placed between him and the Lord. But despite ominous circumstances and gripping fear, Job maintained his innocence as he laid out the case for God’s judgment on those who rebel against Him. Because he had enjoyed such close fellowship with the Lord, Job understood His character – God’s justice is certain, even if it seems delayed. So if Job deserved God’s righteous judgment, why was he still alive?

How should I respond?
Emotions are powerful. Anxiety and fear can rob your appetite and steal your sleep. You may be terrified of what else could go wrong and why God hasn’t already shown up to fix things. Such draining emotions can alter your sense of reality, creating a feeling of distance from the Lord. We know from Scripture, however, that God never changes and He never leaves us (Hebrews 13:5-8). Like Job, find strength by reminding yourself of what you know to be true. Ask Jesus to give you peace of mind to govern any turmoil in your heart. God created you with emotions, but never intended them to rule over you.

Thanks and prayer request

Thank you TRBC for all continue prayers for my family. My husband will be starting new job next week. His job will doing a lot of traveling and needing prayers for his safety.
No name given

February 9, 2018


Read – Job 20-21

What does it say?
Zophar describes the future of the godless as filled with disgrace and disaster. But Job questions why God allows the wicked to live in prosperity and die in peace.

What does it mean?
Job saw the injustice of his own suffering compared to the seemingly long and peaceful lives of those who renounced God. He could not rectify Zophar’s speech regarding God’s punishment of wickedness with reality. If God is just, why did He allow wicked people to prosper while he suffered unimaginable pain? At the same time, Job recognized the limits of his understanding compared to God’s. Job was willing to accept that he didn’t fully understand God’s ways and pointed out that neither did his advisors.

How should I respond?
As soon as children can talk, they start asking questions; that’s how they learn and mature. The same is true of our spiritual growth. God is not afraid of or angered by our questions. Questions are fuel for spiritual maturity; they prompt us to seek answers. Thinking we have all of the answers, like Job’s friends, is misguided theology. What questions do you have for God? Honestly admit your questions to the Lord, and then dig into His Word to see what it says on the matter. Our finite thinking means we can’t possibly understand everything that God allows (Isaiah 55:8-9). But the more you learn about Him in Scripture, the more you’ll trust His character and understand His ways.|Further Reading: Job 22

Husband suffers from dementia

My husband is suffering from dementia and I cant get him help. Im not well and the children are busy with their own lives. Praying for help for husband.

February 8, 2018


Read – Job 18-19

What does it say?
Bildad concludes that a person in Job’s present condition must be evil. Job maintained his innocence and proclaimed God as both his oppressor and his Redeemer.

What does it mean?
Bildad tried to jolt Job into repentance by describing the fate of the wicked, which in his mind perfectly summarized Job’s current state. Job’s reply marks the depth of his despair followed by his greatest proclamation of God. At this, his lowest point, Job firmly believed that God had come against him and withheld justice. At the same time he ached for the day that God would stand as his Defender and tell the world of Job’s innocence. Job’s deepest despair inspired his deepest faith. No matter what God had allowed, Job was certain that only God could deliver and vindicate him.

How should I respond?
What allows a person to face life’s deepest despair with an equally deep faith? Recognizing the Lord for who He is – the only secure shelter during life’s roughest storms. Each of us must choose to either draw closer in faith or turn away from Him in anger. Allowing Christ to change your life prior to those painful moments makes turning to Him instinctive. That kind of trust floods your mind with peace and your heart with joy, which glorifies the Lord. How can you praise God today regardless of your circumstances? Will you join Job in declaring, “My Redeemer lives”?

Brain tumor diagnosis

Please for a friend who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.

February 7, 2018


Read – Job 17

What does it say?
Job declared that as a result of all he had lost, his spirit was broken. Job cried out to God for relief and expressed that his only hope was the grave.

What does it mean?
God had allowed Satan to take everything and everyone away from Job. All he had left was his physical existence, which was miserable and seemed to be coming to an end. Still, Job held strongly to his innocence and poured out his heart to God. The decimation of his plans for the future caused Job to be completely broken as he sank into depression. With every dream shattered, he saw no hope but to accept whatever future God had for him, even if meant a lonely grave.

How should I respond?
Life seldom turns out the way you think it will. We tend to cling to our own plans until we reach the end of our rope. God, however, is in the business of using broken people who are unconditionally surrendered to Him. Trading our own ideas for the unknown can seem terrifying when life throws us a curve ball. Surrender requires faith that God can make something good out of our shattered dreams. What future plans do you need to release to the Lord? As followers of Jesus, He alone is our hope. Are you willing to surrender to God in the same way that Jesus did saying, “Not my will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42)?

Stepson in unsafe environment

Name: Melissa Prayer Request: Please pray for my stepson who is in an unsafe environment. Court tomorrow please be in prayer that God moves and protects him and grants us custody.

Prayer during flu season

Name: Melissa Prayer Request: Pray for all of our children during flu season, keep them healthy and resilient.


Please pray for the overall health of my wife and myself. Thanks.
No name given

February 6, 2018


Read – Job 15-16

What does it say?
Eliphaz accused Job of being proud and made a case that Job deserved his lot because of his wickedness. Job responded to those who came to comfort him.

What does it mean?
Because Job knew his faith in God hadn’t faltered, his friends’ accusations were not comforting, but insulting. Job was distressed, humiliated, and despised by his community; relief was nowhere in sight. He believed God had caused his distress, although he couldn’t understand the reasons. Still, Job believed that God heard his cries and saw that his heart was humble. He firmly believed that God’s faithfulness was unwavering. Job’s only comfort was his belief that God could be trusted to intercede for him.

How should I respond?
What Job believed to be true, we know to be true. Jesus Himself intercedes for us from His throne in Heaven. Followers of Christ should pray for one another and offer comfort when we can. Our efforts, however, are limited by our humanity. Only Jesus – God with us – can intercede for us perfectly and continually (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). Only the Holy Spirit – God in us – can provide perfect peace, comfort, and guidance through the storms of life (John 14:16, 26). What situation is causing you to grieve? To whom have you turned for comfort? Talk to God – there is no lasting comfort but His.

February 5, 2018


Read – Job 14

What does it say?
Job contemplated the brevity and difficulty of human life. He saw no hope for relief or restoration before his death.

What does it mean?
Complete and utter distress caused Job to look back on his previously blessed life as short and pointless. He viewed death as an end to his pain. Even though Job didn’t seem to have full knowledge concerning the resurrection of the body and the promise of Heaven, he knew God well enough to understand that He is able to do anything. Job briefly wondered about the possibilities of renewed life without misery or resurrection after death. He didn’t allow himself to wonder for long, though, before he blamed God for taking away any hope, dismissed the thought of recovering from his misery, and believed that only death could bring relief.

How should I respond?
As Christians, eternal life is our greatest hope and at times, our only comfort. What wonders await us once we are in the presence of the Lord forever, away from sin and sadness! Until then, we experience pain, loss, and loneliness; sometimes we struggle to maintain hope in the Lord. We must remember that God is able to do more than we could ever imagine (Eph. 3:20). During dark times, what He wants most is for us to trust Him and wait for Him. In what area of your life has your hope in God diminished? Talk to God in these moments, and ask for grace while you place hope in Him.

February 4, 2018


Read – Job 12-13

What does it say?
Job responded to his friends and prayed to the Lord.

What does it mean?
Job‘s friends repeatedly rebuked him and gave him no comfort or encouragement. He had reached the conclusion that their silence would be the best wisdom they could offer. He knew his only true and lasting comfort would be from God Himself. Even with all God had allowed to happen, Job continued to hope in the Lord. He decided to take his case straight to God instead of accepting the judgment of everyone around him. He wanted to speak to the Lord directly and longed to hear His reply.

How should I respond?
Many times the encouragement and answers we seek from friends may be limited or inappropriate. God is the only one who can give complete assurance. Perfect comfort requires a perfect Comforter. The Holy Spirit comes alongside us to give comfort so we will know how to offer the same to others in their times of need (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Where do you turn when a problem occurs: Do you turn to social media, call your friends, or take the issue to the Lord first? Intercessory prayer is good and necessary, but going directly to God offers direct comfort. In what situation do you need to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit? As you accept His comfort, you’ll be able to recognize and help others who need to do the same.

February 3, 2018


Read – Job 11

What does it say?
Job’s third friend, Zophar, called on Job to repent of his sin and stop mocking God.

What does it mean?
‘The remarkable thing about Job is not that he overcame his circumstances but rather that he survived his counselors’ – Dr. Paige Patterson. Just like the other two friends who lacked understanding and compassion, Zophar called on Job to repent of his sin. After telling Job to stop mocking the Lord, he went on to say that he deserved even more suffering than God had already allowed. Zophar’s emotional rebuke was filled with condemnation, and it ended with a severe warning. Sadly, Job’s friends were doing more harm than good.

How should I respond?
It’s important to pray and ask God for discernment before offering advice. Sometimes we offer our own opinions and thoughts rather than giving godly counsel from God’s Word. Are you helping your friends with the advice you give or adding to their problems? Matthew 12:34 says, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Ask the Lord to examine your heart and intentions before you speak. Then, rely on Him to give you the words to say. How might you have condemned or accused someone when you should have shown love and compassion? Based on today’s passage, what will you do differently next time?

February 2, 2018


Read – Job 10

What does it say?
Job pleaded with God. He wanted to know why God would create him just to punish him so severely.

What does it mean?
Job had reached the point in his suffering in which he began to question God’s faithfulness. He began to wonder if God was angry with him and thought it was good to oppress him. Even though he knew he served a just God, Job began to question His intentions for allowing the innocent to suffer while the wicked went unpunished. The faithfulness and goodness of God were hard for Job to see in his current circumstances. He felt as if the God he had always loved and served had betrayed him and was now his enemy.

How should I respond?
Have you ever suffered to the point that you began to question God’s goodness and faithfulness? Hebrews 10:23 tells us to “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” We can hold firmly to the promise that God is still faithful despite our health, circumstances, or bank account. Aren’t you glad that God’s faithfulness doesn’t depend on our amount of faith at any given moment? God remains faithful even when we are faithless. How will you trust in His faithfulness today?

Appointment with neurologist for leg pain

Name: Esther Brisson Prayer Request: Pray for a quick response to a needed appointment with a neurologist for pain in legs and weakness

February 1, 2018


Read – Job 8-9

What does it say?
Bildad encouraged Job to repent, asserting that God wouldn’t punish Job unless he or someone in his family had sinned. Job then responded to Bildad’s call for repentance.

What does it mean?
From Bildad’s point of view, Job showed disrespect toward God by questioning why he was suffering. Bildad couldn’t comprehend that God would permit the righteous to experience such pain. He felt that only those who sinned against God would be punished through suffering, so he urged Job to repent from his sin. Instead of encouraging Job to trust in God’s compassion and grace, he made accusations concerning Job and his family. Job couldn’t imagine how to prove one’s innocence to a Holy God. In his anguish, Job felt that he had been found guilty, and his only option was to plead with his Judge for mercy.

How should I respond?
As followers of Christ today, we also suffer, grieve, and even question. During our grief and suffering, we must rely on God’s mercy and grace. Mercy is best described as God’s not giving us what we deserve, whereas grace is God’s giving us what we don’t deserve. No one is holy or righteous enough to earn God’s favor. How have you tried to explain life’s ups and downs without regard for God’s grace? You can’t rely on your own goodness, but God’s grace is available to get you through any circumstance.

January 31, 2018


Read – Job 7

What does it say?
Job explained his restlessness, sharing details about the physical and mental suffering he was enduring. He asked why God was testing him every moment of his day.

What does it mean?
Job’s suffering was so multifaceted that he didn’t have a moment’s relief. Even if the physical pain eased enough to allow sleep, nightmares would awaken him. The effects of restlessness and hopelessness wracked Job’s body and emotions to the point that he begged God to leave him alone, if only for a brief moment. Job didn’t understand why God allowed him to suffer so greatly or why He wouldn’t at least forgive him of his sin and restore him. His only comfort was in knowing that one day he would die, and the suffering would end.

How should I respond?
Suffering will not always be understood on this side of Heaven. Some suffering is the result of natural consequences: fall off a roof, and you’ll likely break bones. But what about suffering that can’t be explained, as when a newborn baby dies? Unexplained adversities cause many to ask the age-old question, “Why does God allow bad things to happen?” How do you respond when God doesn’t give relief right away? Making the decision to love the Lord in spite of tragic circumstances is a matter of trust. Jot down ten things you know to be true about God’s character. When you can’t see what God is doing, you can always trust Him. Will you give Him your hopelessness today?

Career and Finances

Name: Melissa Prayer Request: Prayer for financial peace and a better opportunity in my career.

January 30, 2018


Read – Job 6

What does it say?
Job spoke to his three friends, asking them for comfort rather than arguments.

What does it mean?
When Job needed comfort, his friends poured salt into an open wound. His emotions erupted after being rebuked by Eliphaz. Job was ready for God to take him before he denied or spoke against the Lord. Job needed encouragement. He wanted his friends to simply be there for him. Had there been something Job could have done to end the suffering, he would have gladly done it. He needed companionship, but his friends had no understanding of what he was going through or how to help him.

How should I respond?
We often try to fix situations and even people. But despite our best intentions, we sometimes have no idea what to say to a broken-hearted friend. Sadly, you may have said the wrong thing when words weren’t really necessary at all. This week, allow God to use you as a friend who is willing to merely love and encourage someone else. You may be the only encouragement that person receives. Ask God to help you discern when to listen, when to speak, and when to just be there. You may be surprised to discover that your mere presence is enough.

Mother’s health issues

Name: Tracey Arthur Prayer Request: My mother hasn’t been able to eat Normal due to stomach issues, doctors have her on new meds to hopefully fix her problems. Pray that God heals her through the medication.

January 29, 2018


Read – Job 4-5

What does it say?
In response to Job’s questioning of the Lord from Chapter 3, his friend Eliphaz mistakenly assumed that Job must have sinned and was being punished by the Lord.

What does it mean?
Job’s well-meaning friend Eliphaz talked with him about God’s holiness and righteousness, concluding that God is just and would not cause the righteous to suffer without a reason. From his viewpoint, God’s blessing was equated with righteousness, while suffering was related to sinfulness. Therefore, Eliphaz felt that Job must have sinned. While there are consequences to sin, not all suffering is the result of personal sin. The sheer presence of sin in the world has caused decay and death since Adam and Eve. Eliphaz had a hard time understanding how God could permit suffering without cause. He called on Job to repent from his sin so that God would restore him.

How should I respond?
We can all think of people who seem to prosper, despite their rejection of Christ. You may also be able to name friends who love and serve the Lord, yet they have had to suffer unimaginable pain. Some of them have deeply influenced our lives because they chose to praise God in spite of their suffering. What difficulty are you facing right now? Will you yield to God’s work in your life and choose to rejoice, knowing that God is using this time to strengthen your faith and draw you closer to Him (James 1:2-5; 12)?

Mother had stroke

Name: Mike Prayer Request: Please pray for my mother who had a stroke last Tuesday. She is in need of heeling for mind and body.

Salvation for son

I want you to pray with me that my son Adam will come to know Jesus,I have been praying and will continue to

Children who are ill

Please pray for three children that have been sick. Two of them have asthma very bad. Pray that the Lord will always watch over them.


Unspoken Need for Prayer

I have a unspoken request. Please pray for God to intervene on my behalf. He knows the need. Thank you all and God Bless.
James Tucker Sr

Prayer to continually walk with God

Name: Kelly Prayer Request: I pray to continue to be God’s helper and do his will. That he will continue to use me for his good. I am waiting on him to show me what to do. Last year was a struggle for me but I am reminded to not be weary. I am so thankful for my Thomas road and Liberty family! Thanks you!

Relief from Pain

Please pray for my back, hip and leg. The sciatica nerve is inflamed and it really hurts.Thanks by

2 daughters who are ill

Name: Melissa Prayer Request: Please pray for both of my daughters as they both have had the stomach bug this week. One is better but my youngest is still very weak and lethargic.

Surgery on 01/26

Calling all Prayer Warriors…Bill needs your PRAYERS on Friday January 26th at Lynchburg General Hospital he will have open heart surgery for 2 bypasses and a mitrovalve repair or replacement. We are trusting God for complete healing and a quick recovery. Please keep him in your PRAYERS. 7 weeks ago as a result of his heart problems Bill started kidney dialysis this is a permanent treatment and it complicates his surgery.
William Lee

Prayer for Family

Name: Carolyn Ford Prayer Request: Prayers for my extended families Salvation, to become a follower of Christ Jesus. Prayer for the ones on drugs to be delivered from drugs. Prayers for sickness, cancer and body to be healed. Weight loss for surgery.

Loss of Infant

Name: patty Lewis Prayer Request: Please pray for my son and daughter n law and our family. We lost our 3 month old baby boy my grandson Killian Grey on Jan 1. We are devastated and heart broken. I know he is in the arms of Jesus but this is so hard to deal with. Thank you

Possible Prison Term

Please please pray for my family. My child may go to prison for 3 years for a crime they didnt commit. I need my child to help me! Please God, deliver my child from this evil.
Mrs. P

Recovery from surgery

Pray for my husband, Sammy who is recovering from surgery. He has severe post surgical pain in his back and hips.
Melissa Smith

Prayers for health and for my wife

Please pray for the overall health of my wife and myself. Thank you.
No name given

Employment for husband/supportive wife

Name: prayers needed Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for me to be there for my husband and to give him guidance on finding a new job that he can do. We have been traveling down this roller coaster road for the last couple of years. It’s been so so difficult to imagine how we gotten here at our age in life. Our life has been turned upside down in ways that we can not imagine. But I know we all have to go down roads that’s unexpectedly to bring us closer to God. Please continue to pray for us and for my family to guide us on this new road for me and my husband. Thank you TRBC for your prayers and for God to continue to Bless the growth in the church.

Dad in hospital

Name: Bryce Hardy Prayer Request: My dad, Bryce, has been admitted into the hospital due to heart complications. Please pray for him as he may be needing open heart surgery if stents are not needed.

Friend with infection

Pray for my friend Donley H.  In LGH with an infection.

Sister in abusive relationship

Name: Mary Prayer Request: Please pray for my sister Donna as she has returned to her abuser with the hopes of some reconciliation in her marriage, I asked if you would pray for God’€˜s wisdom over her life that somehow she will understand who she is In God’s eyes. Also pray she would stop allowing herself to be victim.And that she would stop trying to save something that doesn’t want to be saved

Recovery from car accident

Name: Quinton Prayer Request: Bad car accident today… he is doing ok but has a big laceration on his head. Pray for a speedy recovery

Car Accident Victims

Name: Wynee Woodson Prayer Request: Brice Burton and Andrew Humphries, South Boston VA. Both young men were in a horrific car wreck on December 29 and both are at Duke Hospital. They have severe brain injuries and are still in a coma.

Prayers for husbands health; physical and spiritual

Please pray for my husband, Tim. That he fully recover from prostate cancer surgery. That I can be a blessing to him. That he finds Jesus and lets him into his heart.

Sister in hospital

My oldest sister, Mary Elizabeth Flood. In hospital in Atlanta, Michigan. Very sick. Age 85.
Charles F. Baldwin

Father has COPD

Dear Lord I need your healing hands to be layed on my Dad he is in the hospital with a very bad episode of COPD. He is really having a hard time with this. So just help him out Lord. I give you thanks and glory for all your blessings. In Jesus name Amen

Nephew needs Christ

Please pray for my nephew Bryan that christ will bring him back to the cross.

Please pray for mother in hospital

I would like to add my mother to the prayer list . Diane McCulloch , she has been hospitalized for the last 2 weeks with multiple surgeries and illnesses .
Billy Ayers

Family in Crisis

My family is in crisis. Only the Father can help us now.

Incarcerated, needs prayer

Name: Anna Prayer Request: Please pray for salvation for Seth. He has 4 more years in prison and has become so hard in his heart. Pray for God to soften his heart and do a miracle in his life.

Marriage in crisis

Name: Prayer for T & J Prayer Request: Very bad situation. 20 years of marriage down the tube.

Prayer for employment

Name: Michael Prayer Request: Please continue to pray that I find a job and that God will continue to provide for my family needs and help us pay our bills. It’s been almost 3 months without employment.

Strength in the facing of losing mom

Lord Jesus I need your strength now more than ever, my Mom is on her walk to be with you Lord and home. My Mom has ALWAYS been your child. I need your strength to let her go and start a new journey, my life without her. In Jesus name Amen

Breast Cancer DX

Name: Loretta L. Diagnosis of breast cancer

Over Dose

Name: Prayers Prayer Request: Please pray for a young lady who overdosed on medication is needs a lot of prayers for healing.

Prayer for hospitalized

Please pray for Nancy W. She is the mother of my co-worker. She is in the hospital after an unsuccessful medical procedure.

Job Lay-off

Name: Amy S. Prayer Request: Please pray for my Uncle Sam who was laid off his job yesterday

Prayer about cancer diagnosis

My mother Helen was diagnosed with cancer. Due to her health status and condition she is not a candidate for surgery nor treatment. She is on God’€™s time. We ask for prayers for her as well as us during this time. We pray she makes it past March to see her new grand baby born. Thank you all!