April 02, 2023


April 02, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

It seldom surprises us to have a week start out well, then suddenly go downhill. Perhaps a few hours—or even a couple of days—later, it takes a turn for the better. But probably no one has experienced a week so chaotic as Jesus Christ, ushered into Jerusalem with fanfare, yet targeted as the enemy of the Jews and religious leaders, arrested, beaten, crucified and buried. As the Sabbath ended and Sunday morning dawned, the reason for His death became much clearer as the grave was empty and Jesus was alive. He showed Himself fully alive, with wounds in his hands and feet, to scores of people over the next forty days. Embrace the Cross! It is the reason any person can turn to Jesus for salvation from sins and a life of eternal blessing.

Focal Passage: John 12:1-28

Jesus was praised

· Read John 12:1-2. Can someone please tell the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11)? Although the family was certainly celebrating with thankfulness and love because Jesus raised Lazarus from death, why would He make a special effort to be with a family He loved dearly before leaving the earth? How is this so like something we would do just days before we would be leaving our home?

· Read verse 3. Why was Mary anointing His feet with a very costly perfume? What was the significance of her letting down her hair in order to wipe His feet?

· Read 1 Timothy 5:9-10. Why would Paul include in this list of honoring widows the act of feet washing? Why are humility and servitude acts that are so Christ-like?

Jesus was criticized

· Read John 12:4-6. Who is so often the first person in a group to raise objections to something that is commendable? Why is that the case? What was his true motive? Can you fathom someone being with Jesus for three years, yet their heart remained far from Him? Is there anyone you know who shows actions of religiosity, but is not sincere? How do we differentiate between fruits of the spirit and actions of hypocrisy?

· Read verses 7-8. Why should they have picked up on Jesus saying “the day of my burial” and “you do not always have me”? Why is it so much easier to see things in hindsight?

Jesus was welcomed

· Read John 12:9-11. Why did a large crowd gather in Bethany? Why had the Jewish leaders now decided that they would kill Lazarus also? Do you know anyone with such hatred and jealousy in their heart? Read verses 12-15. Describe the scene as Jesus began approaching Jerusalem. Read Zech. 9:9. How could the religious leaders—who should have known the scrolls well—have missed all the myriad of times Jesus fulfilled prophecies?

Jesus was killed

· Read John 12:23-24. Jesus knows His time is very near. What did He mean that the hour had now come when He would be glorified? Do you think they understood what He was referring to?

· What harvest was He referring to in verse 24? Read verse 25. What did Jesus mean by this?

· Read 1 John 2:3-6. How does this passage line up with verse 26?

· Read verse 27-28. We humans do almost all we can to avoid pain. Could Jesus have rejected the cross? What would have been the result? Why do we owe Him our all?


1) Never allow your worship to be crowded out by your preferences or desires.

2) Never allow the testimony of what Jesus has done in your life to be watered down or silenced because of the will of the “people.”

3) Focus your life on what it is you are supposed to do, regardless of the distractions, criticisms or difficulties.


For believers, there is probably no part of Scripture we know better than we know the last week of the life of Jesus. It is hard to read with its heartrending emphasis on the torture He went through in order to satisfy God’s wrath against sinful humanity. At the same time, there are millions of people who are ignorant of His suffering for all mankind. Truthfully, can we even understand a love so deep, or one so unconditional? Probably not. But we can share our story.

Fortunately, it is enough that we believe that it happened. It satisfies the heart of God that we believe Jesus is God, that He came to this earth, fully God yet fully man, fulfilled a miraculous number of prophecies about the Messiah, and was finally put to death by not only the religious leaders of His day but also by the will of many of the people. He was crucified upon a cross, buried in a borrowed tomb, and on the third day rose to life again by His own power. Afterwards, He was seen by the twelve apostles, by over five hundred witnesses, and forty days later ascended back to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God the Father. We accept the payment He made for our sins, and it is our joy and honor to be able to obey the commandments He has asked of us. One day, at death, we will join Him to live forever. He deserves all the love we can give Him, as well as the obedience of sharing our story to as many as will listen. It has been written—so let it be done.

By Sandy Day April 02, 2023