March 26, 2023


March 26, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

When Jesus came to earth, His mission was to bring a New Covenant, not only for His chosen people—Israel—but also all nations. Forgiveness of sins for the repentant believer and eternal life now became available to all people. However, religious leaders did not want a “New” Covenant, but persisted in the Law given to Moses. As He taught the masses, healing diseases, raising the dead, and many other signs prophesied in the Bible, conflict arose. For the three years of His active ministry, He was constantly in conflict as we will see in today’s sermon. Join our service as Pastor Jonathan teaches how conflict revolution can be conflict resolution.

Focal Passage: John 9:1-38.

1. Conflict with sin

· Read John 9:1-2. Let’s be honest—when a friend or family member has a bad problem, how many of us have questioned if there might be sin involved? Read verse 3. Why do our minds rarely wonder if the situation has occurred in order to show God’s glory? Why are we so quick to often think the worst of people?

· What are some conflicts you can think of in the Bible? In each example, who was at fault? Will there always be conflict between believers and non-believers? Who is behind this (ultimately)?

· When did the first sin occur? What are some instances in Scripture when Satan was in conflict with Jesus? How long will this continue? What is his end?

2. Conflict with friends

· Read John 9:4-6. How long had this man been blind? Why did Jesus notice him? We know little else about this man until the end of the story; how did he know enough about Jesus to obey His instructions to go to the Pool of Siloam?

· The friends and neighbors avoided admitting this man was their friend. Why would they do that? Read verses 8-10. Do you think fear may have been at the root of their disbelief? Read verses 11-12. Why were his “friends” so adamant that the blind man’s sight had been restored by a means other than Jesus?

· How is this analogous for those today who will not admit to being a Christ-follower to their “friends” as they might get shunned? Read John 12:42-43. How does this apply to us today?

· Read Proverbs 12:26. If you have friends who do not confess Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, who will influence the other more? What should you do?

3. Conflict with leaders

· Read John 9:13-17. What were the religious leaders supposed to do for the common people? Why were they held in such high esteem in Jesus’ day? Is this still the case today? Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Discuss these verses.

· What was their main problem? What were some of the conflicts they had with Jesus? Read Acts 5:33-40. Why were they not able to tolerate Him, as they had some of the others? Why were they not thrilled with the result of the blind man being able to see? Why did they persist in denying that God was visiting them?

4. Conflict with family

· Read John 9:18-21? Why does it sound as though the parents were “throwing their son under the bus”? If this was your (older) child, what would your feelings be? Read verse 22. How does being thrown out of a church compare with the miracle Jesus had just performed on their son?

· How many times a day does Jesus do amazing things for us, and we let them pass by? How can we teach ourselves to be grateful for the bounty with which He blesses us? Why do we not always give testimony of His abundant power?

5. Revolution in Christ

· Read verses 35-38. Why did Jesus have to be the One to seek the man He had healed? As soon as Jesus spoke, the man realized who Jesus was. What does he now do? How has his response changed since earlier verses?

· There are people in our church who are receiving major healing, major miracles, or major aid from Jesus every day, yet why are we not aware of it? Is it because we feel perhaps “the doctors must have missed something” –or some other excuse, rather than exuberant worship as a congregation?


1) Even today, people still refuse to believe the miraculous grace and mercy found in Christ. Celebrate it anyway!

2) Do not allow the fear of man to interfere with our faith in God.

3) Continue to worship Him even when it is clear you may worship alone.


There is only one solution for being the man in this miraculous healing. His testimony became condensed in the words, “though I was blind, now I see!” To meet the Lord Jesus and experience His work in your life will give you a testimony you want to share with everyone, whether they believe you or not. Glorifying God for His goodness to you will cause you to love Him more and more. Worship Him! Glorify Him! By Sandy Day March 26, 2023