August 13, 2023


August 13, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Prior to Jesus Christ being crucified, resurrected, and returning to Heaven, He told His disciples that “in My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also!” (John 14:1-4). What a promise! We believe His words, and today, in Chapter 21 of Revelation, we read of the reality of the place that He has prepared. It is a glorious, incredible place, made ready for us. As Dr. Ed Hindson said when he opened his eyes from a short coma hours before he died, “UBELIEVABLE!” “What, Papa?” the family asked. “Heaven!” he answered. “It’s unbelievable!” But as another local pastor often says, “It is a prepared place—for a prepared people!” Have you prepared for it?

Focal Passage: Revelation 21.

The current heavens and earth destroyed, and a new heaven and earth is found

  • Read Revelation 21:1-3. What did we learn in Chap. 20 about the location of the 1,000 year reign of Christ? Since it will be on this earth, why do we worry about global warming, fires, etc. in the world? Since Christ will be here in Person—the one Who rules the Creation—will He make certain that it lasts for the 1,000 years?
  • When the new heaven and new earth comes down out of heaven, what is no longer present? What does the word “new” mean? Who speaks from heaven? In the new earth and heaven, where will God dwell? How is this like the first two chapters of Genesis?
  • How long will we live in this new heaven and earth? How long will God dwell with us?

This “new place” is greater than we could ever imagine

  • Read verses 4-7. John tells us of other things that will be missing from our new home; what are they? What does God mean, that some things have “passed away”?
  • In this passage, God makes nine statements, some of which are promises. Discuss each one: in verse 5, why can we believe what He says? What was God referring to by “It is done!” What are we to overcome? What will life be like as a child of God? What was life like for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

This place is only for the ones who believe

  • Read verse 8. Is the list of sins indicating that those are the people who will not be allowed to reside in the new earth and heaven with God? What does God mean by this list? What is the only sin that will keep a person out of heaven?
  • What have we read about the lake of fire and brimstone previously? Now, who has been put in it for all of eternity? Why does He say, “this is the second death”? Who will go there forever and forever? Read Rev. 20:15. Whose names will not be written in the Book of Life? How can you be assured your name will be there? Don’t “hope” your name is there—take care of this most important decision right now–KNOW your name is written in it!

So, what is the place really like?

  • Read verses 9-21. Now who comes to John? What is he going to show him? What does he mean that he will show John “the Bride of Christ”? Where did he carry him?
  • What did John see coming down out of heaven? We are reminded in the early judgments of the trouble John had describing items that he had never seen (for instance, things like tanks, weapons of mass destruction, assault weapons, etc.) Does John seem to have any hesitation in describing the New Jerusalem?

Jesus at the center of it all

  • Read verses 22-27. What are some things not in the new city of Jerusalem? Why is there no temple? Why is there no sun or moon? Does it seem weird to think of never needing darkness, to get a good night’s sleep?
  • What are the nations and the kings of the earth going to be bringing into the city?
  • Will there be any sin in the New Jerusalem? Why will the new creation be like God’s first design of how life was to be in the Garden of Eden?


As we close this 21st chapter of Revelation, we are left with hundreds of questions, aren’t we? Inevitably, the questions are both things relative to the millennium as well as to the new heaven and the new earth. Most are not addressed in Scripture, nor are they such that can be answered by anything except speculation—which causes foolish quarrels. For instance, in the millennium, will our technology still exist? Can you imagine a millennium where everyone is on an iPhone? The saints will be like angels, neither able to marry and bear children, nor be given in marriage; however, there seems to be people born during this time. In the New Jerusalem, will we live in a city? Our brains could go on and on.

The most important thing for us to remember is that God is going to make all things new. New as in “never before imagined.” New as in something you’ve never seen before. And “eye has not seen nor has ear heard nor has the mind imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love Him”(1 Cor. 2:9). One thing is sure: you will want to be there, rather than in the lake of fire and brimstone with wicked, evil people. But, as said in the opening, there is only one way to get there: you must have prepared yourself, through Jesus Christ. Remember, God made only one way—but He did not have to make any way at all and He would still have been righteous. He gave us that way because of His great love. Surrender your life and your heart to Him today, and your name will be written in the Book of Life.

By Sandy Day

August 13, 2023