August 6, 2023



August 06, 2023

Dr. Troy Temple


Over the past several weeks we have come through many troubling, difficult times in Revelation. It is by God’s grace alone that we believers will not be on the earth during the Great Tribulation but will have been taken up “in the twinkling of an eye” when Jesus calls His children. From that time, the earth will be subject to seven years of rule by Antichrist, the last three and a-half years of which will see the final judgment on wickedness. Today, we see the many prophecies come to pass, when Jesus returns with His saints and Satan is bound for a thousand years. From the time of Genesis 3, the world has waited for evil to be judged, and righteousness restored. Today, we see that Jesus has overcome the past, present, and future!

Focal Passage: Revelation 19 & 20.

Jesus Overcomes Our Past:

  • Read Revelation 19:1-5. Last week we saw the destruction of the “harlot”: who was it?

Who was in the “great multitude” who are rejoicing that Babylon is finished?

  • Why are the people giving God such outpouring of praise? Read 19:6-10. As this passage begins, who has made herself ready? Why is the analogy one of marriage as the church becomes the “bride” of Christ? What is the Beatitude of verse 9?
  • Read Eph. 5:25-27. How does Paul present this metaphor? In Genesis, what was the pinnacle of creation? What did man do to this union that was to be sanctified? Once the church gets to heaven, why do we see the holy union in heaven?
  • What is the meaning of verse 10b? What is the essence of prophecy? Why has life, creation, or prophecy never been about anyone else other than our Lord Jesus Christ?
  • How does this concept make a difference in your life? Can Jesus forgive everything in your past and create a new beginning for you? Read 2 Cor. 5:17. Is this true of you?

Jesus Overcomes Our Present

  • Read 19:11-20. Who is riding on the white horse? How does that differ from His first coming, when He rode through Jerusalem? How many crowns are on His head?
  • In verse 14, who is in the armies, also on white horses? When you read verse 15 and Mark 4:39, what power do you envision, when He spoke the world into being? Read Rev. 1:16 and John 18:6. How do these verses confirm the power in the words of Jesus Christ? What is the symbolism of the sharp Sword of His word?
  • In vv. 11-20, what are the descriptions of Jesus? Many theologians believe this passage is the most dramatic in all Scripture; why? Verses 14-16 foretell the absolute authority with which Jesus will come with a massive army. Read verses 17-21. What position does the angel represent, as he begins crying out? Who is he calling to?
  • Who is leading the nations against God? What do they plan to do?
  • Do the nations even get to engage in battle before Jesus acts? What happens to the beast and the false prophet? Do they ever come out again? Meanwhile, what are the birds doing?
  • The angel had announced victory was certain! Now, Christ has won! Was there ever a doubt? Do you know people who think it is all hogwash? How do you react?
  • Do you have the faith to follow Jesus through this world, even though “in this life you will have tribulation”? Why should we rejoice that He will see us through?

Jesus Overcomes Our Future

  • Read 20:1-3. God has given angels amazing jobs! What does this angel have that is so powerful? Can you imagine having the authority to “lay hold” of Satan, binding him for 1,000 years, and casting him into the pit? What were the names given to Satan in this verse? What else did the angel do?
  • The doctrine of the Millennium has been built on numerous prophecies from the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. It is mentioned six times in these few verses. Do you know any others from Scripture? Will we who are believers be reigning with Christ during the thousand years?
  • Read 20:4-6. Do you recall who will be sitting on the thrones? Why are the martyrs resurrected? What will believers be doing? What does the Beatitude of verse 6 say?
  • Read vv. 7-10. Again, after a thousand years of being in the pit, Satan tries to defeat God; what is his agenda upon coming back onto the earth? When he gets the nations to surround Jerusalem, what happens? Is this Satan’s end? Will he ever get out again?
  • Read verses 11-15. Who will be standing before the great white throne? Who was sitting on it? What no longer existed? Why? What is the Book of Life? Who is in it?
  • The years of the Great Tribulation will have its climax when Christ returns with the church, to reign on earth for a thousand years; after this, Satan will try one more time to win over God—even after being in the pit for a thousand years. Is your name in the Book of Life? Only those whose names are written there will be in the eternal city forever.


God has created a plan none of us could have worked out—and He has the ability and authority to see it come to a final end! No one can stop Him, nor stay His hand.  It is not by your works, your will, your righteous acts, or any boast you can make that will cause your name to be in the Book of Life. It is only by His grace, providing a means of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and His victory over death. If you haven’t surrendered your life already, please do it now: you are not promised tomorrow, and life can be shortened. Throw yourself on His mercy and repent of your sinful ways. Today is the day of salvation!


By Sandy Day

August 06, 2023