July 30, 2023


July 30, 2023

Matt Willmington


We are entering the final chapters of the Book of Revelation, finishing the last bowl judgment, which ends the Great Tribulation. It seems almost impossible to understand how the earth’s population during the Tribulation suffers from the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments, yet they continue to blaspheme God. Pain such as most of us have never known will afflict these people for three and a half years, yet they continue their evil trajectory. Today, in Chapter 17, religious Babylon is destroyed, while chapter 18 destroys the economic and political Babylon. By God’s grace, people up to the bowl judgments still have the opportunity to turn to Jesus for salvation, reject taking the mark of the Beast, and receive eternal life. Then the final judgment will bring destruction upon all who are left on the earth. In one last victorious cry, God calls His children to get out before it’s too late (18:4).

Focal Passage: Revelation 17-18.

RELIGIOUS BABYLON                                                                                                                                   

Who is the Harlot?

  • Read Revelation 17:1-5. In verse 3 and 18, who is the woman? Why was Babylon called a harlot? Why does it seem as though Babylon will be an actual city, having been rebuilt at some point? In verses 2-3, who were her faithful supporters?
  • Read 18:5-8. What were some of her sins? How quickly will her destruction come (18: 8, 10, 17, 19)? Read Dan. 5:30-31. How quickly did ancient Babylon fall (not the one that may/will be rebuilt)? Who becomes distraught over her judgment? What is so sickening about 18:13? How bad is human trafficking now? Can it get worse? Who is behind it?
  • Reference 18:9-19. Why were the men upset? What were their wares?
  • In verse 20, who are the believers who will be rejoicing when Babylon is destroyed?
  • Read 17:6 and 18:24. What groups of people have been killed by those ruling Babylon?

Who is the beast?

  • Read 17:3. What is the woman sitting on? Read 17:1, 3, and 9. Why are there three different visions of what she sits on, and what do they represent? Read 17:15, 8-9, and (perhaps) possibly Rome, city of 7 Hills).
  • Who is the beast? Read Rev. 13:1. Is this the same beast in 17:3?
  • Read verse 8. What does the angel mean when he says the beast was, is not, and yet is? Read 13:3-4. Could this be the answer to “was, is not, and is”? Read 17:9-11. What are the seven heads? If these “hills” (mountains) are seven kings with kingdoms, how can five “fall”? Which was (and still is) in existence? Who was the seventh? How can he also be the eighth?
  • Read vv. 12-14. What are the ten horns? Have they appeared on the scene yet (as far as we know)? How long will they be in power? Who will they be working with? What is their goal? Read vv. 16-17. What else will the ten horns (kings) do? Read 12c with 17c; why will they align themselves with the Beast?


ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL BABYLON                                                                                                                                                       

What is it?

  • Read 18:10b. We established in the first point that Babylon is a city dedicated to gross idolatrous worship. In chapter 18, we will find it is more than that! What is it?
  • Reference 18:9-19 once more. What theme is carried out through this lengthy passage? The ruling power of Babylon desired to create a materialistic, covetous, society. What evidence do we have today that this will be easy to accomplish? Read vv. 15 and 19. What were the merchants concerned about? Can you give examples of this going on today?
  • Read 18:2. What will it become? What will eventually happen? Read Isa. 13:21-22, 34:11-17. Is this the way ancient Babylon has looked for the past centuries? What happened when Saddam Hussein was alive? Did he achieve rebuilding Babylon as he planned?
  • What will the political arena of the antichrist look like the second three and a half years? Who did we learn would be in the “unholy” trinity?
  • Read 17:13. Who will give help to the beast? Who will they make war with? What is so comforting about 17:14?


The end of the Great Tribulation is frightening to read, but the reality will be so much worse than anything we can imagine. We have to remember that John was trying to describe in so many places things that he had never seen. How would you describe an army tank, for instance, or a helicopter, if they were totally unknown to you? However, these chapters today are not that difficult to understand, other than who, when, or where. The bottom line is, Babylon is spoken of as an actual city in seven places in Revelation—not a symbol, although it is possible it will be built on a site other than the original Babylon. These chapters imply it will be rebuilt and become the “hub” of the world. It will be so sinful and full of wickedness that the millions of people left on the earth will be devastated when it is destroyed—but they won’t turn to God! Yet until that time, there is hope. Hope for those who are left behind when the church has been removed from the earth, that people can still be saved. Hope for those who are in the queue to get the mark of the Beast and can choose to step away from the line—then most likely become a martyr. But to die in Jesus is a win. To live for Satan and the Beast is death for eternity. Choose wisely.

By Sandy Day

July 30, 2023