February 04, 2024


February 04, 2024

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Today we continue looking at the miracles Jesus performed in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. As we consider the healing of the demoniac, “Legion,” we think for a moment of Jacob and his wives in the land of Haran (modern day Turkey), where they lived with family. The children of Gad, Jacob’s son by Leah’s maid, Zilpah, generations later settled on the east side of the Sea of Galilee, opposite Galilee. How Jacob’s heart would have broken had he foreseen the day Gad’s offspring lived in opposition to the Laws of God. As we study this particular son in the line of Gad, we see the on-going battle between God’s children with the wicked demons of Satan. Join us as we continue the new series, Beyond Belief.

Focal Passage: Luke 8:26-39, 40

The isolation of sin:

  • Read Luke 8:27. As we study the miracles of Jesus, we need to remind ourselves, Why did Jesus come to this earth? Did He heal in order to “earn the right to be heard” as He preached of repentance in order to inherit eternal life?
  • Why did the demons isolate the man from any who might be his friends? Why is it so much harder to isolate someone who is surrounded by a Christian community? Why is isolation so very hard on any person?
  • Why did Jesus seek this particular man out? Do you think it was intentional? Why would He choose this man? Everyone had given up on the man; do you think he had any hope left? Was he even able to have a clear thought?
  • Can you relate to this man in any way? Have you ever lost all hope?

The power of God over all:

  • Read vv. 28-30. How did the man know Jesus was the Son of the Most High God? Was it the man or the demons who recognized Jesus? Read James 2:19. Based on this verse, if a person says he believes in God, does that necessarily mean he believes in Jesus Christ as his Savior?
  • What were some of the things the demons did to the man? Is there any reason to think that there are not multitudes of demons in today’s world? Demons are evil angels, who chose to leave Heaven with Satan in his rebellion. Where did Jesus send them? Did the demons die? Read Matt. 25:41. What will be the eventual end of Satan and his demons?
  • Read vv. 31-32. What did the demons beg God for? When He “permitted” them, what does that tell you about His authority over them? Does Christ have that same authority over Satan as well?
  • Read Mark 4:39, John 11:43, Matt. 8:3, Luke 18:14, 7:48, Jer. 27:5, Rom. 1:20. What other things does Jesus Christ have power over?

Even the evil recognize the power and presence of Jesus:

  • Read Acts 19:13-17. What was the main point of this moment in the ministry of Paul? Did speaking the name of Jesus scare away the demons? Why not? Why did they say they knew Jesus and Paul, but not these seven brothers? Why must your life line up with Scripture before the demonic world will know you are filled with the Presence and power of God?
  • What has God given us to use before we take on the spirit world? Read Eph. 6: 10-18. What does this passage teach?
  • What areas of our lives must be fully committed to God before we can be used by Jesus in a ministry against the powers of darkness?


1)The attacks of Satan are just as real today as they were 2,000 years ago.

2) The greatest tools we have to combat the influence of evil is running after the truth; spend time in the Word!! (Psa. 119:11).

3) When Satan gets a foothold, we have nothing to fear. Bring Jesus into the room! (Jas. 4:7b, 1 Jn 4:4).


What a miracle is the healing of the demoniac! If anyone has seen this scene featured in Sight & Sound’s live production of “Jesus,” you know it is an astounding part of the show and leaves a deep impression as to the reality of the actual happening. In the Scriptures, verse 40 of Luke 8 leaves us uncertain whether Luke was speaking of Jesus returning to the area where He had been prior to the trip to Gadara, or whether it meant He returned at some future time to the Gadarenes. It is appropriate either way. But it is easy to imagine the jubilation that Jesus was met with if He did return to Gadara, as the last words He had said to the healed demoniac was for him to stay, return to his house, and tell what great things God had done for him. In the NKJV, verse 40 is connected to verse 39, and one can only think Jesus did, in fact, return there, and the whole multitude welcomed Him for what He had done for the man.

In that case, certainly the man had a story to tell everyone of what Jesus had done. And it is the same in our own lives. We are responsible for telling the world: we are each gifted with our own story of redemption and can easily tell what the Lord has done for us. That is what Jesus asks of us in Matthew 28:19: we are to go out, tell our story, and be a witness of what God has done. It may make a difference in whether someone spends eternity in heaven or in hell.


By Sandy Day

February 04, 2024