February 11, 2024



February 11, 2024

Charles Billingsley


Most adults know to be aware of counterfeit items—watches, money, jewelry, etc. But the term can apply to people as well, meaning their reputation does not gel with the actions they often carry out. Jesus likened the Pharisees of His day to “white-washed sepulchers, beautiful on the outside but full of evil within.” They were counterfeit religious leaders, which we see in today’s world as well. Today we will see Jesus doing a destructive miracle in His ministry as He curses a fig tree—illustrating Israel—which has leaves but no fruit. The nation of Israel knew God but did not worship Him. Instead, they decided their “gods” were whatever made them feel good—resulting in a counterfeit faith with eternal consequences.

Focal Passage: Mark 11:11-26

The What: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree:

  • Read Mark 11:12. Almost everyone has heard the story of the fig tree that was cursed by Jesus; what are some things you recall of this miracle? What is the phrase that causes people to feel confused about the fig tree? Are you aware it is incorrectly understood?
  • Read verse 13-14. Why was Mark quick to point out that Jesus became hungry, just as we do? What did the leaves on the tree signify? Jesus saw the leaves and knew young edible “buds”, called taksh, should be on the tree. What did He do when He saw the tree was not filled with the taksh?
  • If the presence of leaves should have also indicated the presence of the tender taksh—which would eventually become figs—did this mean the tree was barren?
  • How did the fruitless state of this tree parallel Israel as she embraced false religions and caused her to be unable to recognize God’s Son as the promised Messiah?

Jesus Lowers the Boom:

  • Read vv. 15-19. How is this action by Jesus like the story of the fig tree? How was Israel fruitless in her worship of God and in prayer?
  • Can someone recall what Charles said when he described the millions of pilgrims, and how the religious leaders made huge profits from selling animals to sacrifice? What did Jesus do in His fury at the misuse of the temple? What did the word “destroy” mean?

The Why: Jesus Teaches the Lesson Behind the Miracle:

  • Read vv. 20-21. What did Jesus say when the disciples pointed out the dead fig tree? What was the answer to both? How did “Have Faith in God” answer their question?
  • Read 2 Pet. 1:5-9. Where there is faith, is there always fruit? Why is it so vital that we have fruit? Read Matt. 7:15-20, Luke 6:44, John 15:2. Are you a fruit-bearer?

BE A PERSON OF FAITH: It is the doorway to knowing God.

  • Read Mk. 11:23, Matt. 7:15-20, 9:22, 25. Charles asked, “Do you know anyone who’s moved a mountain”? Dr. Jerry Falwell certainly did! What mountains have YOU moved with your faith? Are there miracles you have seen in your own life?
  • Is there a mountain you are currently dealing with that needs to be moved?

BE A PERSON OF PRAYER: It is the passageway to hearing God.

  • Read Matt. 6:9-13, Rom. 1:9, Mark 11:25. Why is it so vitally important that we are in a right relationship to God before asking for something in prayer?
  • Have you learned how to pray constantly? Fervently? Do you intercede for others during their times of need? Do you listen for God to speak after you have prayed?

BE A PERSON WHO FORGIVES: It is the roadway to freedom with God.

  • Read Mk. 11:25-26, Mt. 6:12, 14-15, 18:21, 35, Rom. 4:7 and Eph. 1:7. Why is forgiveness among Christians so crucial? Why do we wish God’s forgiveness for our sins, but have such trouble forgiving others? Is there anyone who you need to forgive?
  • Do you have trouble forgiving yourself for the sins of the past? When is the last time you accepted the forgiveness Christ offers, putting your past to death? How did you do it?

BE A PERSON WHO WORSHIPS: It is the gateway to the presence of God.

  • Read Jn. 15:1-8. Do you realize that everything God has made worships Him? Humans are the only creation that have a choice. Read Rev. 5:13 (all creatures in heaven, earth and sea), Joel 1:20 (stone, beam), Luke 4:41 (demons), 19:40 (rocks), Job 38:7 (the morning stars sing). Do you actually worship God when you attend a service on Sunday? What moves you to bow to our Holy God—the music? The sermon? Testimonies?
  • How often are you alone and feel the need or the impetus to worship God? He is Holy and deserves the praise of His creation.


As we speak about God, especially contemplating faith, prayer, forgiveness and worship, we reflect on Romans 1:19-25. This passage sums up humanity, and how these few short years on earth will look when compared to eternity. “…Since the creation of the world [God’s] invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that [mankind is] without excuse; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. [They] exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” Don’t let this be you! We are not promised tomorrow, and eternity will be forever.


By Sandy Day

February 11, 2024