May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020
Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Being in an on-going stressful situation can sap our strength! You long for the ordeal to be finished. Have you had such a time? What did you realize you had learned, after it was over?


Last week we looked at the three main elements in running our individual races of life: Remove (hindrances to winning), Renew (our strength through Christ), and Return to the source of our strength constantly. Today, we will focus on the beautiful promise of God to be with us every step of this journey.  As we continue in this 11/12th week of the havoc wreaked by Coronavirus, we probably all feel that our strength is low, and we’re running “against the wind”—wondering when and how this will end. We don’t need to worry: Jesus is right beside us.

Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:57: Therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.

Focal Passage: Acts 2:22-28

You are never alone

  • Read Acts 2:25b. How many of you walk or run on a regular basis? How would you rather do so, with someone else, or by yourself? Explain your answer.
  • Read Hebrews 13:5. Why do we have such a hard time accepting the reality of God’s presence being with us at all times? Does that give you confidence?
  • David knew the reality of God being with him. Have you ever tried to develop the habit of talking aloud to Him as you would to a friend who is beside you?

Joy comes in the journey

  • Read Acts 2:26. David, as we know, went through many trials; what were some of them? Yet he continually gave God glory with his life. Can you think of some examples?
  • What about you: as you think back upon your life, what are some examples of faithfulness that He has shown you? Has He ever let you suffer alone?
  • When is the last time that you thanked Him for His gracious blessings to you, that often you (perhaps) take for granted? What are some of them?   

His victory is our victory

  • Read Heb. 2:27. There are many passages in Scripture where someone prophesied unknowingly. Can you think of examples? 
  • Read Romans 6:4. Why does Jesus defeating death flow over to eternal life for us? Read John 5:24. What does Jesus promise here?
  • How do you think of death? Is it an ending, or a beginning? Why?

The path is clear

  • Read verse 28a. What is the relationship with this verse and Proverbs 3:5?
  • Does this mean you will have a trouble-free life? Read John 6:67-69. If you reject Jesus, where will you seek a satisfying life?
  • Read Luke 9:23 and 1 John 2:3. Is being a believer a “walk the aisle” one time action and live for yourself after that?


For the teams who play baseball, there are scientific rules that every batter must know. For instance, if a right-handed batter swings 1/100th of a second too soon, the ball will go foul down the left field side; if he swings 1/100th of a second too late, it will go foul down the right field seats; and the decision to swing has to happen within 4/100th (1/25th) of a second!

Another example we are familiar with is the return of fish (salmon, rainbow trout, and coho) to the place of their birth, usually causing them to swim against the natural stream of the river. Can you imagine being a fish, swimming against the pull of the body of water? We also know of a riptide, and understand those who die yearly as they innocently get caught in the current. Although the figure is normally around 100 per year, for those families it is a senseless death, which could have been avoided.

As you have been running your race of life, especially during the past several months of COVID 19, have you often felt as though you were running against the wind—or swimming against a current? Not only that, but does it often feel as though you have to make major decisions that will impact your health, finances, or your family’s health in 4/100th of a second?! The good news is that you do not have to be alone. You may feel that you are, but we can’t go by feelings, but by “every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” His promises are sure, constant, and never-changing. He accepts everyone just as they are, with all the baggage, sins, and shame, offering salvation in exchange for repentance. He pays your sin debt and gives you eternal life. How can you go wrong?