May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020
Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Have you (or someone close to you) participated in a race, perhaps a 3K, 5K or even the Boston Marathon? How did that go for you? Were you committed to going the distance?


Last week we began a new series, “Run the Race.” All of us, no matter our status in life, have days or seasons where we would just love to stand on the sidelines of life, checking back in if/when things got easier. That’s not Biblical. God’s word encourages us to keep on when the going gets tough. In fact, He warns us that in this life “we [believers] will have tribulation,” but we are to be comforted, for HE has overcome the world (John 16:33). Ultimately, we are the only ones who determine whether we will quit or head for the finish line. Let’s each run our race as believers with the knowledge that Jesus has said He has already given us the victory!

Key Verse: Psalm 122:1: I was glad when they said unto me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.”

Focal Passages: Psalm 107:28-32; Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 10:13, 15:57.



  • Read Hebrews 12:1. When athletes prepare for a competition, what do they generally wear? What would happen if they tried to compete with heavy clothing on or with full backpacks?
  • Read 1 Sam. 17:38-39. David was about to be in a competition that would end in life or death. How does this passage illustrate Heb. 12:1?
  • If sin is the “weight,” what must you do? What is something else the weight can be? If it is your own selfishness, what can you substitute your feelings of it’s “all about me” with? Are you prone to laziness or procrastination (a sloth)? How can this be a weight, and what can you do to change that?


  • During His ministry on earth, what was Jesus’ daily schedule like? How did He renew His inner strength regularly? How can you make time for fervent prayer on a daily or frequent basis?
  • Read 2 Tim. 1:14. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life? How can we grieve Him? How can we renew ourselves in Him?
  • Read Heb. 12:2a. How can we understand Jesus as the author of our faith? Read Rom. 8:28. God does not keep us from making wrong or bad choices. He can, however, bring good out of what we’ve messed up, and if it’s sin, cleanses us from them when we’ve confessed (1 Jn. 1:9). Why do we need to be constantly aware of this every day?



  • Read Heb. 12:2b. What were many of the things Jesus endured between His Incarnation and Ascension? Have you endured any persecution for the cause of Christ, and if so, what type?
  • Read 1 Cor. 15:57. God knows we are going to have tough times. What does He let us know that gives our spirits strength during those times?
  • What is the victory that we know is coming?


Today would not be complete without giving praise, glory, and worship to God for moving in the hearts of those in authority in our state to reopen our churches on this day! Only those who love to spend their Sundays in a local church body, worshiping Jesus Christ, and encouraging and loving on each other will understand the joy that was in our hearts today as we were allowed once again to assemble together!

We have had—and most are still having—a tough time in our nation even as we have begun Phase 1 of reopening our businesses, some returning to work, or financial aid starting to come in. Financial crisis, health crisis, family crisis—they’re on every side. But today, God bless our President, our churches were declared to be “essential” and allowed to reopen! To be with friends after separations of nearly three months was extremely emotional. Tears were shed, hugs sometimes shared (sometimes social distancing just didn’t cut it!), and love was rampant. It was a day filled with love and joy.

This has been a test of strength for many of us. It’s been a more than just a challenge to be within our house and yard, not allowed to socialize except on rare and stringently ruled occasions. Do you feel as though you’ve been running a race? Not of competition but of just drawing on strength to make it daily. Many haven’t had that strength to draw on. If you are aware of someone who needs help, please let our church know, or take a meal to their door. You’ll encourage them with your love, and you might be the only person they see today. Pray daily and fervently for those on the front lines, for those away from their families, and for those who have lost a family member to COVID 19. You’ll be blessed beyond measure!