Group Notes | April 19

He Lives! Do You? No Fear
Pastor Jonathan Falwell
April 19, 2015


Running into friends usually presents the automatic question, “How are you?” The answer is usually, “Fine!” The truth is, heavy concerns rob us of joy and peace on every side. What are some that you can think of?

As we have been looking at the resurrection power, we are learning that it is available to give meaning and peace to our lives every day. We can choose to live in fear of worldly pressure or choose to trust Jesus to be with us every moment.


1. Read Matthew 28:1-10 and note how many times it is written to “not be afraid” or to not “fear.” How does that apply to us as well? (Hint: 2 Tim. 3:16).

2. What were some differences between the fear of the guards and the fear that the two Mary’s were experiencing?

3. What is a primary reason we have fear in our lives, even as Christians?

4. The reasons we live in fear of worldly anxieties are many. How would it help if you could actually visibly see Christ beside you?

a. What would it take for you to understand and absorb the truth that God the Son, who spoke the world into being, is with you every second?

b. What would it take for you to relinquish your (assumed) control of situations that bring turmoil, and to really trust Him to “have your back”?

c. Read 1 John 4:18. What is the missing ingredient when we are in fear and what does fear cause? How is this true?

d. If someone whose power is greater than ours has promised help with our problems, we rest easier. Why do we not realize Jesus is that Person?

e. The song, “A Midnight Cry,” speaks of viewing life as constantly fulfilling God’s word. How can we celebrate who He is every moment?


We trust God with our salvation, and embrace His death as payment for our sinful past. Yet when it comes to control of our lives, we hold back and are afraid to trust Him. As we break into small groups for prayer time, let us confess if we have a lack of trust. Usually our concern isn’t that He won’t fix our problem—but that He won’t do it the way we want it done. That’s a big step of faith. It’s time to take it and “not be afraid!”

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:22: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.”