Group Notes | April 26

He Lives! Do You? No Doubt
Pastor Jonathan Falwell
April 26, 2015


In anger at being told he could not have what he wanted, the child ran from the room, screaming “You don’t love me!” Why do we doubt someone’s love for us when our desires do not get answered the way we wish them to?

Our recent focus has been living life fully, over the top, because Christ is alive. This means we live without fear and with child-like trust in Him. Today we want to grasp the essentials needed to never doubt that He loves us beyond anything we can imagine.


1. Read John 20:24-31. Thomas was absent from his friends when Jesus came, and later did not believe their testimony that they had seen Jesus. Will people always believe your testimony that Jesus is alive? Why?

2. Thomas missed an incredible opportunity to believe that Jesus was alive, without seeing Him. How do you miss out on occasions to be blessed because life distracts you from being aware the living God is with you?

3. Thinking back to the opening, why do we equate getting our desires fulfilled with being loved by God?

4. Who plants the doubt in our heart, and why? Did he not start that way? (Gen. 3:1).

5. Do you isolate yourself when you are dealing with doubt, anger or disappointment, or do you seek to draw close to those who will encourage you—including Jesus? Why does this matter?

6. Read Ephesians 3:17-20. Why is it not possible for faith and doubt to co-exist?

7. What is the importance of “faith” in living a life of joy in Christ?


Jesus does not desire a life of defeat for you, but of joy, peace, and a mind free from worry. He provides not only His own presence, but godly friends, pastors, life groups and the church so that you can live life “over the top!” As you break into small groups, take each of the areas where Satan wants to beat you down—being distracted from God’s presence, giving in to discouragement, and doubting God’s love for you—and examine your heart to see if you are holding back, like Thomas, rather than “believing even though you don’t see Him.” Pray that God would reveal anything that may be keeping you from living abundantly, and then spread your happiness this week as you go through your days.

Memory Verse: John 20:29: “Jesus said to him, ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed.’”