Group Notes | May 3

He Lives, Do You? Why Are You Here?
May 3, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Feeling incapable of doing a job or serving in a particular capacity occurs when we compare ourselves with others. Can you share a time when you have let an opportunity to help someone pass because you believed yourself unworthy?

We have learned that being filled with Christ’s resurrection power gives our lives purpose and a mission. Yet we shall see today that many Christians live without real meaning to their life, and—feeling they have no worth—they just exist. Let’s see how to change that thinking.


1. Read Matthew 28:18-20. As you listen to the reading, did Jesus question whether the disciples were worthy or able to carry out His instructions?

2. What are the action words He gave? What qualifications did He indicate was needed to do the job? Does this include our generation?

3. Can someone recall Moses’ answers when God told Him to bring Israel out of Egypt? What was his reaction, and what “self-worth” comes across? (Read Ex. 3:10-14, 4:1, 10-14a if you need to).

4. God has extended the Great Commission to us; how are we like Moses?

5. God has asked you to do a specific thing. Are you using your feelings of inadequacy or past failures to shirk this responsibility?

6. God has not asked you to do something impossible; He never calls you to a task without equipping you. Share some hindrances that may be stopping you from obeying God.

7. Read James 4:17. What is James saying to all of us about obedience? If Jesus gave you the charge of sharing your testimony, what is your responsibility?


When witnessing becomes a “fear factor” remember one rule: just tell your story. Whether you were raised in a Godly home, or came out of a sinful background, God has given you qualities to carry out the purpose He has for you! As you break into small groups, talk about the feelings of inadequacy that you may have that keep you from living a life of genuine obedience. Pray for peace in those areas, and remember that we are never going to be alone, even when we feel the most isolated. Christ has promised that He will be with us every step of the way. Close in prayer, asking God that everyone would have the opportunity this week to share their story with an unbeliever.

Memory Verse: Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”