Group Notes | August 2

Best Supporting Actor: Jonathan: An Act of Valor
Charles Billingsley
August 2, 2015


The fear of failure is a hindrance that keeps most people from great successes. Dr. Jerry Falwell often asked “What would you undertake if you knew you would not fail?” Can someone answer that?

Today we are continuing our series on characters who played important—but small—roles in the Bible. Jonathan, son of King Saul was a young man of great faith and immense courage.


Jonathan’s Boldness:

1. Read 1 Samuel 14:1-5. Jonathan was concerned about the vast army of Philistine’s annihilating Israel’s small number of fighting men. Can you think of an instance when you exhibited the same daring faith in God that it took for Jonathan to go to battle with one sword and his armor-bearer?

2. Jonathan did not let the mountainous terrain stop him. What are some “mountains” that keep you from taking a leap of boldness when you feel God’s leading?
Jonathan’s Faith:

3. Read verses 6-10. Jonathan trusted his friend to have his back, and his God to bring success. What keeps your faith from being this strong?

4. Jonathan, like David years later, did not doubt God’s power. What are some of the doubts that flood your mind when you want to obey God?
Jonathan’s Actions:

5. Read verses 11-23. As soon as Jonathan had God’s “okay,” he and his armor-bearer headed for the Philistine camp. He now acted upon those inner leadings that God had put in his heart. Can you think of times you have felt the Spirit’s urge to do something for God, but lacked the will power or boldness to take that first step?

6. Jonathan’s actions gave God the opportunity to show Himself mighty on behalf of Israel. What is an example of a positive outcome when you have obeyed God?


As you break into small groups, talk about the lessons you can learn from this short scripture on obedience and courage. Consider the example Jonathan exhibited as his faith in God enabled him to bravely ignore the huge army of Philistines, the mountains he would have to cross, his own insufficiency—both in weapon and manpower—and rely solely on his God. What a role model! Pray that God would find you willing to follow His leading in showing others how great is your God, and how marvelous are His works.

Memory Verse: Mark 9:23: “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’” (NKJV)