Group Notes | August 9

Best Supporting Actor: Josiah, Break The Cycle
August 9, 2015
Pastor Scott Randlett


Rarely do you meet someone who has not made attempts to change some detail of their life. Would anyone like to share something you have tried to overcome but eventually gave up because you decided “that’s just the way I am”?

Today, as we finish the series on Best Supporting Actor, we will look at Josiah. He became a king at eight years of age, with a passion for serving God and bringing Israel back to worshiping Him. Through him we can learn how to begin a new legacy in life.


Believe God’s Power Is Greater Than Your Limitations:

  1. Read 2 Kings 22:1, 2. Josiah had a very mature faith in God’s almighty power for one so young. What were some obstacles he could have used as an excuse to do nothing?
  2. Perhaps you consider the reputation of your parents, your appearance, past lifestyle, etc., as a reason too big to try to change. How are you limiting God?
  3. God loves you more than you can comprehend, and wishes to help you achieve a passion for life. What are ideas or situations holding you back?

Surround Yourself with Trustworthy People:

  1. Read verses 3-10. Who were some of the people closest to Josiah? What were the relationships built on?
  2. Read Proverbs 13:20. Can anyone share how the impact of co-workers, friends or family has influenced your walk with Christ for good or for bad?
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33. Can God trust those who are closest to you? What are steps you can take to free yourself from any who pull you away from Him?

Respond to the Truth of God’s Word:

  1. Read verses 11-13. What did Josiah do when God’s laws were read to him?
  2. Will anyone share what you do with the sermons you hear preached each Sunday?
  3. What are some actions you perform that show nothing is more valuable to you than your relationship with Jesus Christ?


As you consider Josiah’s age, his evil father, and the idolatry Israel was involved in, you can see it would have been easy for him to have given up trying to change his world. But he knew his God was the same One whom David, over four hundred years earlier, had believed in when he slew Goliath. As you break into small groups, discuss the reality of your desire to serve God, Who is not limited by your age, past, or insecurities. The church has many Life Groups to help you as you seek a closer walk with Him. Pray that He would give you strength to overcome anything in your life that has created a wall between you and Him. Then, go out this week in HIS strength and do it!

Memory Verse: 2 Kings 22:2: “And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.” (NKJV)

For Further Home Study: Read 2 Chronicles 32 and 33.Think of the evil family history Josiah had to overcome. Yet God was working years earlier as He led Manasseh to repentance and gave him six years to teach his grandson Josiah about the living God. His testimony built the foundation of a strong faith that served Josiah well when he became king two years later. God is not limited by age, by the past, or by insecurities.