Group Notes | December 13

A Season of Generosity: The Result of Generosity
December 13, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


When someone has a reputation for being generous, we normally think in terms of money. There are many ways in which someone can be giving, however. Will you list some?

We are continuing to examine the standards God has set for us, as we seek to love others as we love ourselves. Giving to meet the needs of others–not expecting anything in return–will bring fulfillment that is impossible to explain, and provides God with reasons to lavish us with His blessings.



Your Generosity Will Be Contagious

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 9:1, 2. Why was Paul praising the church at Corinth?
  2. Can you give an example of something you received that resulted in you being able to bless someone else?

Your Generosity Will Be Exponential

  1. Read verses 6, 7. God loves to reward His children for godly behavior from a pure heart. Can you tell of a time you gave something in an act of obedience, only to have God give back to you?
  2. Read Luke 6:38a. How does God give back?

Your Generosity Will Be Rewarding

  1. Read verses 8 and 11. How can you be certain God will take care of you if you give to meet the needs of others?
  2. In the opening question, you listed ways to give to others; in light of the Scriptures you have read, restate some of the ways we can meet those needs.

Your Generosity Will Have Eternal Impact

  1. Read verses 12 and 13. What are the results of generosity in these verses?
  2. Read verse 7b again. How will you feel, knowing you are being a blessing, not only to others but to God Himself?



During small group time discuss the truth of “You can’t outgive God.” How did you see this truth in the verses you read? Discuss the possibility of each one ministering to someone you know, and decide which of the ways mentioned in the opening would benefit them. Be prepared to share the result next week. As you close in prayer, be sure to ask God for your motive to be from a desire to be holy, not for the rewards He might see fit to bless you with!

Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7: “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.”