Group Notes | December 20

A Season of Generosity: Putting Grace In To Action
December 20, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Almost everyone has found the truth in the words “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Can you relate a situation when you were able to give to someone in need, and describe how you felt afterward?

Today we continue to look at the gift of giving of ourselves, not just during this Christmas season, but as a daily lifestyle of worship.



Keep your eyes open for those in need

  1. Read 1 John 3:17a. Our lives continually cross paths with hurting people. What are some examples of being alert to someone in need?
  2. What type of mindset must we have to fulfill this command?

Keep your heart open for those in need

  1. Read verse 17b. Closing ourselves off from helping others can be a red flag. What does this say about our heart?
  2. Have someone read Proverbs 18:1. How does this verse emphasize the meaning of what you just read? Can anyone liken it to 1 Corinthians 13 without looking up the passage?

Keep your calendar open for those in need

  1. If we are intentional about helping others, we have to plan ahead. Discuss practical ways you can schedule time to meet the needs of someone.
  2. Read verse 18. How does Jesus view our priority of helping or giving of ourselves to others?

Keep your arms open for those in need

  1. Read verse 23. It is definitely easier for a woman to be ready at any moment to hug or love on someone than a man. What are some ways both can seize the moment without offending or scaring someone? Can you give a past example?



Being proactive about meeting the needs of hurting or needy people is not going to happen until your heart is ready. As you break into small groups, discuss ways you can serve, both as individuals and as a group. There are so many opportunities through the church and Life Groups! Search those out, and find out if you have particular skills that will give you insight into fulfilling someone’s need. Close in prayer by beseeching the Lord to help you be alert to the eyes of others you pass, so that you can see into their hearts, and minister to them.

Scripture passage: I John 3:16-24

Memory Verse: 1 John 3:17: “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?