Group Notes | February 14

Stand Strong: God’s Promise of Victory
February 14, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


A well-known quote that one hears is “What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” Would anyone care to answer?

We have been studying the promises of God, the only dependable Giver of promises. Today we will look at the victory that is ours when we become believers in Jesus Christ and are freed from the power of sin.



We Belong To God

  1. Read Romans 8:2. What is the reason that you can be certain of victory even in the midst of pain and suffering?
  2. Why does Satan no longer have power over you?

We Have a New Mind

  1. Read verses 8:5, 6. What are some steps you can take to let the Spirit control your mind?
  2. How does this agree with Romans 12:2 and 2 Cor. 10:5?

We Have a New Life

  1. Have someone read 8:11, and someone else read Col. 2:13, 14. What did God do for you that you could not do for yourself?

We Have Strength to Walk On

  1. Read Eph. 3:16 and 2 Thess. 3:3. Where does your strength come from?
  2. Whom does He promise to protect you from, in His strength?

We Have Hope

  1. Read verses 8:23b and 28. What is the difference between your life in Jesus Christ, and that of those who do not know Him?



What tremendous promises we have read in Romans chapter 8! As you break into small groups, share any thoughts that may have resonated in your heart as to your position in Christ. He has already won the victory—all you need to do is walk in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, constantly choosing to let Him take control of your life. Have you checked out the Life Groups? New ones are beginning often, and they are a great way to grow in the Lord. As you close in prayer, remember to ask God to be victorious in your life this week.

Focus Passage: Romans 8

Memory Verse: Romans 8:6: “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”